God’s Word 101-A www.BiblePoint.com Copyright © 2000-2007. All rights reserved. Bible Point is a registered trademark of Dennis Henderson. All other trademarks acknowledged. Bible Point contains graphics from Bible Point artists. These illustrations belong to Bible Point and the respective artists. You may use the designs and illustrations for graphical illustration of lessons free and without special permission, provided they are not used in any way that maligns the Christian faith. Furthermore, republication or production of any illustration by any other graphic service whether it be in book, in a machine-readable form, or in any other design resource is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, they cannot be duplicated or resold as any other form of publishing, clip art, or graphic resource. So What does it mean? (A simple translations of the legal jargon) So, if you don’t own the presentation(s), graphic(s), and text(s) how can you legally use them? The purchase of the license allows you to use all the images in the product. However, the actual ownership and copyright of the presentation(s), graphic(s), and text(s) remain the property of Bible Point and its licensors. If you had plans on using this product in your “for sale” work—think again! License Agreement Article 1: License Grant All the graphics and text in Bible Point presentations (excluding quotes from the Bible and stated sources) are the intellectual and real property of Bible Point and its licensors, and is protected by law, including United States copyright laws and international treaties. Bible Point grants to you a license: 1. To use the presentation in a single church, single school, or single office of a Christian organization. 2. To make a single archival back-up copy of the program. 3. To modify the presentation(s) and merge with other presentations in a single church, school, or Christian organization. 4. To transfer to another party if that party agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this agreement, and you do not retain any copies of the presentation, whether printed, machine readable, modified, or merged form. Article 2: Terms This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate the license at any time by destroying the presentation(s), graphic(s), or text(s) together with all copies, modifications and merged portions in any form. Bible Point may terminate your license if you fail to comply with this Agreement. You agree, upon such termination, for any reason, to destroy the presentation(s), graphics, and text(s) with all copies, modifications, and merged portions in any form. Article 3: Disclaimers 1. Bible Point presentations, graphics, and texts are licensed to you As Is. You, the consumer, bear the entire risk relating to the quality and performance of the presentation(s), graphic(s), or text(s). In no event will Bible Point be liable for damages resulting from any defect. 2. Thirty-day limited warrantee on disks. Bible Point warrants the disks to be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use for 30 days after purchase. During the 30-day period you may return a defective presentation, graphic, or text with proof of purchase and it will be replaced without charge, unless the presentation is damaged by misuse. Article 4: General 1. You may not sub-license, assign, or transfer the license of the presentation(s), graphic(s), or text(s) except as provided by this Agreement. 2. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Michigan. May I let someone borrow or copy my licensed Bible Point presentation (even after I modified it)? As long as it is within your local church, or single school, or the immediate office of a Christian organization you may. Otherwise, please refer the person interested in borrowing to: http://www.biblepoint.com or E-mail: dh@biblepoint.com with any related questions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright©1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. www.BiblePoint.com
God’s Word (Part 1)
GOD SPOKE: “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 I. Revelation: God revealed Himself. It is called revelation because God made known to man what man otherwise could not know. SPOKE
GOD SPOKE: SPOKE Therefore it is: HISTORICAL and OBJECTIVE. “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 SPOKE Therefore it is: HISTORICAL and OBJECTIVE.
GOD SPOKE: SPOKE 40 AUTHORS “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 SPOKE 40 AUTHORS
GOD SPOKE: SPOKE 40 AUTHORS “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 There were about 40 authors used by God and even more to whom God revealed Himself. “This is what the LORD says” occurs in 167 verses. SPOKE 40 AUTHORS
GOD SPOKE: SPOKE over 1,500 years “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 From Moses to Malachi (1,000 years) for the authors of the Old Testament alone (around 1,500 years for the whole Bible). SPOKE over 1,500 years
GOD SPOKE: SPOKE for example: “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 SPOKE for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through VISIONS for example: “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through DREAMS for example: “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through VOICES for example: “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 for example:
GOD SPOKE: YES NO Through LOTS for example: “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 YES NO for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through . . . THEOPHANIES for example: “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through . . . WRITING for example: “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through . . . WRITING for example: “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through . . . MIRACLES What is a Miracle? for example: “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 What is a Miracle? for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through . . . MIRACLES: 3 for example: Every miracles has “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 Every miracles has aspects: 3 for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through . . . MIRACLES: for example: 1--Power Luke 5:17 “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 1--Power Luke 5:17 for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through . . . MIRACLES: for example: 2--Amazement Mark 2:12 “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 2--Amazement Mark 2:12 for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through . . . MIRACLES: ONE WAY for example: 3--A sign “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 ONE WAY 3--A sign John 20:21 for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through . . . MIRACLES: for example: “In the past God spoke to our fore-fathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” Hebrews 1:1 Miracles are “extra-ordinary” operations of God’s providence to reveal Himself and produce a worshipful response of amazement! for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through HIS SON! “but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.” 1:2 for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through HIS SON! John 1:1 “the Word” “but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.” 1:2 1:14 “became flesh” for example:
GOD SPOKE: Through HIS SON! John 14:9 “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. ” “but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son.” 1:2 for example:
“The heavens declare the glory of God” GOD SPEAKS: Through… CREATION! Through… CREATION! “he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.” 1:2 Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God” and Romans 1:18-21
GOD SPEAKS: Through… CREATION! Through… CREATION! Reveals FOUR Things about God: FOUR
GOD SPEAKS: Through... CREATION! 1.The Glory of God (Ps 19:1) 2.The Wrath of God (Rom 1:18) 3.The Power of God (Rom 1:20) 4.The Nature of God (Rom 1:20)
GOD SPEAKS: Through... CREATION! 1. The revelation in creation is plain and clear to all people (Rom 1:19,20)
GOD SPEAKS: Through... CREATION! Turned-off 1. The revelation in creation is plain and clear to all people (Rom 1:19,20) 2. People are sinners and suppress the clear revelation in creation (1:19). Turned-off
GOD SPEAKS: Through... CREATION! WRATH 1. The revelation in creation is plain and clear to all people (Rom 1:19,20) 2. People are sinners and suppress the clear revelation in creation (1:19). 3. It only condemns--does not save! (1:18) WRATH
GOD SPEAKS: Through... CREATION! 1. The revelation in creation is plain and clear to all people (Rom 1:19,20) 2. People are sinners and suppress the clear revelation in creation (1:19). 3. It only condemns--does not save! Therefore . . . 4. People need “special revelation” to point them to God’s grace.
GOD SPEAKS: Through... CREATION! 1. The revelation in creation is plain and clear to all people (Rom 1:19,20) 2. People are sinners and suppress the clear revelation in creation (1:19). 3. It only condemns--does not save! Therefore . . . 4. People need “special revelation” to point them to God’s grace. 5. So God gave special revelation . . .
God spoke . . . Through prophets Through visions Through dreams Through voices Through lots Through theophanies Through writing Through miracles Through incarnation
Inscribed and became Scripture! SOME OF WHICH WAS Inscribed and became Scripture!
Next time: God’s inscribed revelation: the Scriptures!
Assignment: Memorize: Hebrews 1:1-2 and Psalm 19:1 Read: New Christian’s Handbook chapters 9-10
Discovery 101: Discovering God’s Word Introduction: When we say the word “discovery” what image is conjured up in your mind? Columbus discovering America? A space shuttle called “Discovery?” With the idea of discovery is attached the idea of exploration—and learning! Discovery Class is about all that—exploration and learning. In this class you will explore the great teachings of the Bible and in the process do a great deal of learning. Our real goal is to enable you to discover a deeper walk with the God of the Bible by getting to know Him better. Have you ever played “hide-and-seek?” When you hide the person who is it has to find you—literally discover where you are hiding. When you speak the person hunting is able to more easily discover you. (Consider the game Marco Polo). Likewise, God has spoken (Hebrews 1:1). So for the start of our exploration we will first do an examine the fact that “God has spoken” and as a result we can know God who has spoken. Doctrine: The Bible I. Revelation: God Spoke Hebrews 1:1 “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.” This is called “revelation” because God revealed himself. (Compare 1 Cor.2:10 “God has revealed it to us by his spirit”) “God spoke” = God made known to man what man otherwise could not know. That is called “revelation.“ “In the past”… “to our forefathers” = historically and objectively. Revelation is an act that communicates objective truth regarding God’s person and work. This act of revelation was voluntary. God did not have to reveal Himself in the past, present, or future. He chose to do so. Had God chosen not to reveal Himself, his fallen creatures could not have known Him. Therefore, this revelation is crucial to all knowledge of God and truth. The revelation falls into three basic categories:
1. Special Revelation: “Through the prophets” = There were some 40 authors used by God and even more to whom God revealed Himself.” “This is what the LORD says” occurs in 167 verse. “At many times” = over a 1500 year span of time. “And in various ways” = a variety of methods God chose to disclose Himself: Prophets = two-fold communication = 1) from God to the prophet 2) from the prophet to the people; compare Exodus 7:1-2 and Exodus 4:14-16 Visions =see Genesis 46:2 Dreams = see Genesis 28:12 Audible voices (to prophets and donkeys) =Numbers 22:28; Acts 22:7-8 Writing (Exodus 31:18 ten commandments; Daniel 5:5, 24-28 Mene mene tekel parsin) Theophanies (Exodus 3:1-4) Urimm Thummim (Exodus 28:30) Lot (Jonah 1:7; Acts 1:26) Miracles--Three aspects to a miracle: 1-- Divine Power Luke 5:17 God’s power is displayed in an extra ordinary way! 2-- Amazement Mark 2:12 The power brings about amazement of belief or disbelief--no one is nuetral in the face of a miracle. 3-- Signs John 20:31 Every miracle points to something. Every miracle is a special revelation from God. He is communicating something by the miracle! Definition: Miracles are “extra-ordinary” operations of God’s providence to reveal Himself and produce a worshipful response of amazement! 2. Son (logos) Revelation: Hebrews 1:2 “2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son,.” The entire life of Christ is revelatory. Incarnation Instruction Miracles Crucifixion Resurrection Ascension
He is called the divine LOGOS/Word (John 1:1) who became flesh (John 1:14) and dwelt among us. To have seen him was to have seen the Father (John 14:9). Furthermore Hebrews 1:2 adds . . . 3. Natural Revelation Hebrews 1:2b “and through whom he made the universe.” Psalm 19:1-4 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” Romans 1:18-20 “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- his eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” Natural revelation discloses several things about the true God: 1) God’s glory (Psalm 19:1-4) --splendor 2) God’s wrath (Romans 1:18) --wrath toward sin 3) God’s eternal power (Romans 1:20) --the entire universe displays an awesome power and deliberate plan 4) God’s divine nature (Romans 1:20) --the creation has a stamp of “created by the true God” everywhere! Several more observation are: 1. The revelation in creation is plain and clear to all people (Rom 1:19,20) Natural revelation does not reveal that “a god” exists—instead it reveals the true “divine nature” of the true and living God.” Therefore, it reveals that the true and living God of the Scripture exists. 2. People are sinners and suppress the clear revelation in creation (1:19). Although the true God’s glory, eternal power and very nature are “clearly seen” by natural revelation—they are not so readily acknowledged. In fact, the totally depraved, sinful creature “suppresses the truth” that “plain to them” and refuses to acknowledge that it is so (Romans 1:18-19). Natural revelation is like a radio station sending out a good strong signal and the radio (creature) actually picking it up but then deliberately scrambling the signal so it cannot recognize it.
3. It only condemns--does not save 3. It only condemns--does not save! Because the fallen creature “suppresses” the natural revelation, the fallen creature brings the wrath of God on itself. Fallen creatures left on their own outright deny the very truth they knew: Romans 1:21-24 21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 4 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires… Consequently, the only authoritative way the fallen creature knows what natural revelation says is by special revelation—the Bible. Furthermore, the message of natural revelation is one of divine judgment and wrath. The message of special revelation is of divine mercy and grace. No one can be saved by natural revelation—it only condemns. Lost sinners need the special revelation to be saved (Romans 10: 13-17). Therefore, we must take the gospel to every creature. 5. So God gave special revelation . . . HE SPOKE . . . Through prophets Through visions Through dreams Through voices Through lots Through theophanies Through writing Through miracles Through incarnation
Conclusion: Assignment for the next time: Memorize: Hebrews 1:1-2 and Psalm 19:1 Read: New Christian’s Handbook chapters 9-10
101 into God’s Word Copyright © 2000. All rights reserved. Bible Point is a registered trademark of Dennis Henderson. All other trademarks acknowledged. Bible Point contains graphics from Bible Point artists. These illustrations belong to Bible Point and the respective artists. You may use the designs and illustrations for graphical illustration of lessons free and without special permission, provided they are not used in any way that maligns the Christian faith. Furthermore, republication or production of any illustration by any other graphic service whether it be in book, in a machine-readable form, or in any other design resource is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, they cannot be duplicated or resold as any other form of publishing, clip art, or graphic resource. So What does it mean? (A simple translations of the legal jargon) So, if you don’t own the presentation(s), graphic(s), and text(s) how can you legally use them? The purchase of the license allows you to use all the images in the product. However, the actual ownership and copyright of the presentation(s), graphic(s), and text(s) remain the property of Bible Point and its licensors. If you had plans on using this product in your “for sale” work—think again! License Agreement Article 1: License Grant All the graphics and text in Bible Point presentations (excluding quotes from the Bible and stated sources) are the intellectual and real property of Bible Point and its licensors, and is protected by law, including United States copyright laws and international treaties. Bible Point grants to you a license: 1. To use the presentation in a single church, single school, or single office of a Christian organization. 2. To make a single archival back-up copy of the program. 3. To modify the presentation(s) and merge with other presentations in a single church, school, or Christian organization. 4. To transfer to another party if that party agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this agreement, and you do not retain any copies of the presentation, whether printed, machine readable, modified, or merged form. Article 2: Terms This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate the license at any time by destroying the presentation(s), graphic(s), or text(s) together with all copies, modifications and merged portions in any form. Bible Point may terminate your license if you fail to comply with this Agreement. You agree, upon such termination, for any reason, to destroy the presentation(s), graphics, and text(s) with all copies, modifications, and merged portions in any form. Article 3: Disclaimers 1. Bible Point presentations, graphics, and texts are licensed to you As Is. You, the consumer, bear the entire risk relating to the quality and performance of the presentation(s), graphic(s), or text(s). In no event will Bible Point be liable for damages resulting from any defect. 2. Thirty-day limited warrantee on disks. Bible Point warrants the disks to be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use for 30 days after purchase. During the 30-day period you may return a defective presentation, graphic, or text with proof of purchase and it will be replaced without charge, unless the presentation is damaged by misuse. Article 4: General 1. You may not sub-license, assign, or transfer the license of the presentation(s), graphic(s), or text(s) except as provided by this Agreement. 2. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Michigan. May I let someone borrow or copy my licensed Bible Point presentation (even after I modified it)? As long as it is within your local church, or single school, or the immediate office of a Christian organization you may. Otherwise, please refer the person interested in borrowing to: http://www.biblepoint.com or E-mail: dh@biblepoint.com with any related questions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright©1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.