D&O Insurance June 5th 2013
Curriculum General Information History Coverages Limitation Vendors
General Information Directors and officers liability insurance insurance to manager and executive persons of of the company Focus on those people and not the company itself Covers losses and high risk decisions of executive employee “Personal financial protection” Motivates employees to take higher positions in the company
History Developed by Lloyd‘s of London Established in USA in 1930‘s In the 1980‘s there was a „D&O-crisis“ Many companies took the chance to procure the insurance As a result they added a number of clauses in the policy the „D&O-market“ was born There is no standard D&O-form They used in a similar way (shared outline)
Coverages Insurance covers multiple organs: Management of the company Governing body General managers Executive positions Insurance comes in to action, if… … there is no bad intention … there is no loose of duty to take care of thirds (customers, vendors, own company/employees) … the insured person is not in knowledge of a fault in the past
Insurance protects you from both sides… Inside the company Outside the company executive organs customers employees vendors
Limitation In case of a accusation you have to keep in mind the following things: The claimant is the person who has to proof YOUR fault You are not guilty until someone is able to proof a possible mistake If you own stock options from the company you are work for, the insurance will not cover the full amount which is involved in the case Usually there is a compromise between the two parties The insurance will not cover any costs if you did something with a bad faith
Chartis Chubb Corp. The Travekers Companies ACE Limited XL Group Zurich Financial Services Allianz HCC Insurance Holdings The Hartford CNA Financial Group