Home Page Note: Fastest Way to Access CONTENT LIBRARY: EOne Academy™ 2.0 Net Change Guide Home Page Click on this drop-down menu to navigate the academy. You may choose HOME, CONTENT LIBRARY, or MY LEARNING. NEW feature – Check messages here. Access your profile settings and logout here. Click the Browse By Format tab to access the three categories of the EOne Content Library. Browse By Topics – future use NEW feature - Check for news from your learning advisor. Note: Fastest Way to Access CONTENT LIBRARY: Click on STREAMING VIDEO LIBRARY to access video content. Click on DOCUMENTS & LINKS to access activity guides and links. Complete the assignments in your to-do list by clicking on the task. Click on ELEARNING to access quizzes and UPKs. Click this pop-up menu to sort through content by title. Note: You always want to sort by title to see a full list of courses. The Recent Learning tab displays quick links to recently watched videos- both in progress and completed. View all videos, documents, quizzes, and links by closing the Streaming Video Library filter. Note: The Course Catalogue is now named Content Library. Find a specific video by typing its title or keywords in the search box. Click Groups to access the content library organized by module.
My Learning Click My Learning from the drop-down menu. EOne Academy™ 2.0 Net Change Guide My Learning Click My Learning from the drop-down menu. Click CERTIFICATIONS to view a list of complete or incomplete course modules. Portrays courses with urgent deadlines- either overdue or due soon. Displays quantity of transcripts. The My Learning screen displays the RECENT ACTIVITY tab as default. Check the duration, status, and due date of recently watched videos. Check path status and due date information for path and individual areas. All certification paths will be listed once you open Certifications. Click the path to view assigned courses. Portrays courses started, in progress, and complete. Click TRANSCRIPTS to view detailed information covering courses taken, duration, completion date, and score. Click on the title to replay videos. Click ASSIGNMENTS to view a list of assigned content. Click the ribbon icon to view the transcript for the desired course. A transcript or Certificate of Completion will appear in a new tab.