Brian Slezak, Dir. of Resurrection Online Video Streaming Brian Slezak, Dir. of Resurrection Online Clif Guy, Dir. of IT Show of hands – who is not yet streaming but wants to start? Who is already streaming and want to improve what they have? Lots of ways to stream. Today we are going to take you through a wide spectrum of solutions from cheap to not so cheap. Hopefully you will be able to figure out where you need to be on spectrum and solutions to get you there.
Why You Should Do This It is now technologically and financially feasible for any church anywhere to stream worship and other events on the web. Today we are going to show you how! First we will start with why you should do this. Beyond being technically and financially feasible, let’s talk about what Resurrection has learned streaming worship online.
Why You Should Do This “COR's online worship is perfect on sick days, or travel days when I am unable to physically get to a church. I feel like I am right there” - Stephen “Having Resurrection in our lives, if only by internet, is an important spiritual experience for us.” – Bob
Why You Should Do This “Best of all was your touching personal note to my wife. It brought tears to my eyes and hers too when she read it. To think that a man we have never met living over 1000 miles away would remember after a year that Shyrl had lost her Mom and send a note – that’s truly wonderful.” - Lars & Shryl
Why You Should Do This It was so difficult to bring mother to church the past few years. The opportunity for them to hear Adam’s lessons, and hear the symphony and the choir was a blessing at the end of their lives. - Linda
Floor Signing
Why You Should Do This Laura Guy, Pastor of Living Water Christian Church A Disciples of Christ congregation here in the KC area
What We Will Cover Sources Capture/Encode Distribute Play Audio: microphone(s), cabling, mixer Video: camera(s), cabling, switcher Capture/Encode Distribute Play
Decisions to Make What Playback devices will be supported? (requires different protocols) What is acceptable video and audio quality? Here we have an example of an encoder you can attach to your laptop – Blackmagic Intensity which costs $180-250
Under the Hood Company Operating System Browser Apple iOS, OSX Safari Operating Systems and Browsers Company Operating System Browser Apple iOS, OSX Safari Google Android, ChromeOS Chrome Microsoft Windows IE (and Firefox, Chrome)
Under the Hood Product Name Roku Chromecast (Google) Apple TV Set-top Boxes Product Name Roku Chromecast (Google) Apple TV
Under the Hood Streaming Protocols Protocol Name Known As Developed By Real Time Messaging RTMP Adobe HTTP Live Streaming HLS Apple HTTP Dynamic Streaming HDS Smooth Streaming (Silverlight) MS-SSTR Microsoft
Under the Hood Video Coding Product Name Known As Created By H.264 Video Codec H.264 Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
Under the Hood Video Quality Video Quality Bandwidth Standard Definition (SD) 360 – 1000 Kb/s High Definition 3 – 6 Mb/s SD – 720x480 HD – 1280x720 HD – About 3 times more data
Under the Hood Audio Coding and Quality Audio Type Bandwidth MP3 64 – 128 Kb/s AAC 48 – 96 Kb/s Two main options. AAC generally achieves better sound quality than MP3 at similar bit rates
Flash Media Live Encoder (FMLE) Capture / Encode Computer Software Good visual quality One camera or external video switcher
DaCast Distribute / Play $25 / month subscription Distribute & Play No web hosting provided High Delay (by experience)
DaCast / FMLE Audio Only *No* video Cellular data connection
Wirecast Capture / Encode Computer Software Uses Multiple cameras Use computer as Video Switcher Medium Delay Producer free version of Wirecast but limited. Wirecast is a paid product $500-1000
DaCast / Wirecast Audio and Video SD Quality Broadband Internet Producer free version of Wirecast but limited. Wirecast is a paid product $500-1000 Distribute / Play Outsourced Services & Support – for Churches! Leveled Pricing Plans 2 Mb Up SD 4 Mb Up HD / Wirecast HD Video Low Delay Multiple quality levels at one time 720p, 360p, 180p
Haivision Network Video Multiple solution levels Software or Hardware Appliance Professional quality
Haivision Makito X We currently use Makito X encoders Use encoder – decoder combination for live stream to Downtown campus
Haivision KulaByte Encoder Runs on a server Used BlackMagic Decklink card for A/V input
Facebook Live Stream Live to Facebook account wall
Worship Experience iOS, Android, Windows, OS X, phone, tablet, Roku Responsive web page design Stream Live to Facebook account Online prayer and care
End User Experience
End User Experience
What To Expect Lazy Members “Inauthentic” Church Exciting! Not Exciting! New visitors, church shoppers Elderly, homebound, assisted living facilities Sick / out of town members International viewers (global ministry) Deaf / Blind Lazy Members “Inauthentic” Church Administering Sacraments
What To Expect Reach otherwise unreachable audiences Unique Kingdom building opportunities He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. [Mark 16:15] 15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.“
Brian Slezak, Director of Resurrection Online Video Streaming Brian Slezak, Director of Resurrection Online Clif Guy, Director of IT