Lesson 6, Day 2 Create Your Own Rockets - continued In this activity, students use the knowledge they’ve gained over the course of the challenge to build a rocket that can fly at least 5 meters and land within a small circle. Before Class: Have materials ready to share with class Make sure you have adequate space for teams to test their designs. Since students will be trying to land their rockets in a target area, choose something to use as a target (hula hoop, box, etc.).
MAKE OUR TEAM ROCKET Students will: Use the knowledge they’ve gained over the course of the challenge to build a rocket that meets EarthToys Designs’ specifications.
During Class: Present the Activity: 5 minutes Explain that today will be the final day to design and test rockets. Remind students that they are to build a rocket that can fly at least 5 meters and land in the target circle consistently. Student Exploration: 30 minutes Let students continue to design and experiment. (RM 9) Sharing and Interpreting: 15 minutes Have each student draw their team’s rocket and then explain how and why the team decided to build it the way they did. (RM 10) Ask a representative or representatives from each team to explain their design and why they built their rocket the way they did.