Welcome to Photography Club What we are about…. Kelly Crum-President Erin Kyle-Vice President Grace Nierenberg-Secretary
To stay in contact And let you about upcoming Photography Club meetings and events please sign up through REMINDER App… text 81010 and the code is: @4gabf2 Input on your phone right now :0)
Taking Spooky Pics for Halloween
At the November meeting Mrs At the November meeting Mrs. Conklin will be handing out passes for the Photography Club yearbook photos. So be here to get one.
F-U-N with light Learned about shutter speed
Painting with light Using a slow shutter speed
Macro setting
Capturing Motion
Capturing a Water Droplet
Capturing Smoke
We even had some contests What scares you….
A photo booth
You can DESIGN IT! A club t-shirt is just $6 Photography Club Logo CONTEST ________________________ Just 3 requirements: 1) All in one color 2) Must state “Photography Club” 3) School appropriate Need your submission by October 5th. Email to me lconklin@somervilleschools.org Shirts will be able to purchase at next meeting: Oct. 19th
Tie Dye t-shirts
Then stenciling
All for our Tie Dye bake sale
Even a 10ft. X 7ft. Photo Mosaic Banner **This took 2 years to make** Here is a close-up
Community Service “Hooray for May”
Currently planning a field trip to Unique Photo for early April
Photo Museum field trip Looking at the spring time.
This year…IDEAS…. Have a professional photography come in to speak Go to museum featuring works of photography “Selfie” booth in school Valentine’s Day week during lunch (need to get approval first)
PHOTOGRAPHY Contests Photographer’s Forum & Nikon Drexel University’s High School Contest *Also visit Photo Contests on my website*
Photographer’s Forum & Nikon $4.95 per photo entered, no limited quantity. All entrants will receive 2 FREE issues of Photographer’s Forum magazine A Somerville student made Honorable mention last year and work was published. Look to website for further information: http://pfmagazine.com/photography-contest/enter-contest-online/
Drexel High School Photo Contest We have had 2 of Somerville High School’s very own on display in their gallery. The contest is open to all high school students in the United States and will culminate in an exhibition at the photography program gallery. All submissions must be received __TBD__. Fee $10 for 1-3 photo entries. Go to http://www.drexel.edu/westphal/pdf/ photo/DrexelHSContest2010.pdf for more info.
Interested??? If you are interested please see me or there will be postings on the Photography club board. This is optional for every student, but a great opportunity for ALL!