Coalition Strategies for Achieving Financial Sustainability John P. Skibiak, Director, Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, Brussels, Belgium Share with you our thinking within the Exective Committee, drawing on multiple inputs. These include our deliberations by phone over the past several months; the results of a consultancy; and our discussions on on Wednesday; they include reviews of reports prepared on financing opportunities such as Sandra Rolet’s report on Coalition Financing Mechanisms Phase I: Solutions Options Identification 22-23 May 2008 Brussels, Ninth Coalition Membership Meeting
Financial Environment Core Secretariat costs are covered by a three year grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Coalition activities, outputs, many Working Group workstreams are covered directly by members Many workstreams, actual and potential, are hindered by the lack of funding 22-23 May 2008 Brussels, Ninth Coalition Membership Meeting
Critical Questions What can we learn from other health partnerships (HPs) in achieving financial sustainability? What strategies should be adopted to ensure medium- to long-term funding of the Secretariat? Are there key Coalition activities that would enhance Secretariat’s attractiveness to potential donors? Is there demand for or value in establishing a Coalition-managed fund to finance new strategic opportunities? Strategies include questions over the sources and types of support: diversity of funding vs. one single donor; membership fees; 22-23 May 2008 Brussels, Ninth Coalition Membership Meeting
Learning from others All HPs are different, with financial mechanisms tailored to their circumstances. Their experience cannot be taken as a blueprint for the Coalition Mushrooming of HPs is leading to donor fatigue. Donors are demanding measurable results, evidence of efficiency, and clarity of purpose. Donors are demanding evidence of added value. Many partnerships have forged strong connections with the national governments that are ultimately responsible for health services, including RH supplies GAVI, Stop TB and Partnership for MNCH Clarity of purpose is needed to produce measurable results 22-23 May 2008 Brussels, Ninth Coalition Membership Meeting
Agreed upon principles Keep the Secretariat lean and mean Engage developing countries in Coalition activities and decisions Seek collaboration and exploit synergies with other global HP Heighten visibility of the Coalition Sharpen the focus of the Coalition based on its convening and advocacy functions and ensure that its Strategic Plan is closely aligned with its added value 22-23 May 2008 Brussels, Ninth Coalition Membership Meeting
Agreed upon principles Financing strategy should seek out a “focused” diversity in funding sources Core support is critical to maintain the Coalition’s strategic focus Flexibility is critical to meet donor diversity Establish a pool of resources that would facilitate the identification and implementation of innovative ideas and activities not funded by other means Focus, meaning an emphasis on key donors who have a personal stake in te creation and sustained operation of the Coalition and Secretariat 22-23 May 2008 Brussels, Ninth Coalition Membership Meeting
Conclusions, next steps The timing of our current donor support demands a two-pronged approach, one addressing immediate financing needs; the other looking at broader issues that may enhance longer-term sustainability By end of summer, Secretariat to prepare a single, project paper for submission to key donors Incorporate feedback into proposals that meet donor requirements - by year end… if not before Seek out opportunities for financing of workstreams, together with, or separate from Secretariat support Project paper should reflect: Vision of where we want to be Size Timeline 3- 5 years. 22-23 May 2008 Brussels, Ninth Coalition Membership Meeting
Working Group input Where do funding gaps exist? What activities would you undertake if funding were available? How could Working Group members enhance the sustainability of the workstreams in which they are involved? 22-23 May 2008 Brussels, Ninth Coalition Membership Meeting