Date: 23 April 2013 Director-General Lionel October Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry- the dti’s 2013/14-2015/2016 Annual Performance Plan Date: 23 April 2013 Director-General Lionel October
CONTENTS the dti’s Vision, Mission and Strategic Goals Key interventions for 2013/14 Allocated resources Challenges
VISION “A dynamic industrial, globally competitive South African economy, characterised by inclusive growth and development, decent employment and equity, built on the full potential of all citizens”
STRATEGIC GOALS Facilitate transformation of the economy to promote industrial development, investment, competitiveness and employment creation. Build mutually beneficial regional and global relations to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives. Facilitate broad-based economic participation through targeted interventions to achieve more inclusive growth. Create a fair regulatory environment that enables investment, trade and enterprise development in an equitable and socially responsible manner. Promote a professional, ethical, dynamic, competitive and customer-focused working environment that ensures effective and efficient service delivery.
CORE PROGRAMMES AND CLUSTERS Industrial Development – the development of policies and strategies that promote sector competitiveness, growth, job creation and efficient administration of support measures. Trade, Investment and Exports – the strengthening trade and investment links with key economies and fostering African development, including through regional and continental integration and development co-operation in line with the New Partnership for African’s Development (NEPAD). Broadening Participation - the development of interventions and strategies that promote enterprise growth, empowerment and equity Regulation – the development and implementation of coherent, predictable and transparent regulatory solutions that facilitate easy access to redress and efficient regulatory services for economic citizens. Administration- effective co-ordination of departmental programmes and provision of necessary support for efficient implementation.
KEY INTERVENTIONS – INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Upscale industrial policy by tabling the annual rolling Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) to Cabinet and produce quarterly implementation reports. Three (3) sector specific action plans developed to influence and respond to the changing economic environment to enhance manufacturing potential. Complete and submit designation templates to the National Treasury for two (2) subsector/sectors for local procurement. Two (2) key research projects will be undertaken to facilitate development of interventions to expand value-added activities in existing and new sectors of the economy including beneficiation.
KEY INTERVENTIONS – INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Finalisation and Implementation of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Act Special Economic Zone (SEZ) policy and Bill approved by Cabinet and endorsed by Parliament Enhanced technological competencies by supporting 1 350 students and 700 researchers via the Technology and Human Resources for Industry (THRIP). Support Programme Industrial Innovation (SPII) implemented by supporting 20 new projects valued at R43m
KEY INTERVENTIONS – INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Tool-making apprentice programme Support 385 students enrolled for the tool making apprentice programme Industrial upgrading programme Support 220* workers trained through the industrial upgrading programme 940 enterprises approved to participate in the Export Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA) scheme 51 companies supported through the Workplace Challenge Programme (WCP) *There is a misprint on the target of 20 on the Annual Performance Plan 2013-2016. It should read 220.
Industrial Development Incentives Description Planned 2013/14 Number of firms/projects supported Potential jobs supported Investment leveraged Industrial Financing Automotive Incentive Scheme (AIS) 25 550 R1,6bn Passenger Automotive Incentive Scheme (PAIS) 5 - R500m Business Process Services (BPS) 8 3000 R400m Film and Television 65 R1,8bn 12 I tax allowance 10 2 200 R10bn Critical Infrastructure Programme (CIP) 12 4 000 R6bn Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme (MCEP): Production Incentive 300 2 500
KEY INTERVENTIONS – TRADE, INVESTMENT and EXPORTS Africa regional development programme implemented-progress report to be produced on implementation of agreed programme and projects for priority development areas in SACU, SADC-FTA and SDI infrastructure projects. Conclusion of Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) trade negotiations with the European Union (EU), Southern African Customs Union (SACU) India Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA), Southern African Development Communities (SADC)- East African Community (EAC)- Common Market For Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) –Tripartite-Free Trade Agreement (T-FTA): Status report to be produced on progress towards conclusion of trade negotiations.
KEY INTERVENTIONS – TRADE, INVESTMENT and EXPORTS Increased manufactured exports under EMIA by increasing the value of exports to R900 m Investment facilitation in targeted sectors- R50bn
KEY INTERVENTIONS – BROADENING PARTICIPATION seda Technology Support Programme (stp) Disburse R119 m to seda for the establishment of new incubators and support of existing incubators; and support of Small Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs). Performance monitoring reports on seda technology programme to be produced. Implementation of Co-operative Amendment Act Approval of business case for the establishment of the Co-operative Development Agency and phased-in implementation. Approval of business case for the establishment of the Co-operative Tribunal and phased-in implementation .
KEY INTERVENTIONS – BROADENING PARTICIPATION Implement the National Strategic Framework on Gender and Women Empowerment National Strategic Framework on Gender and Women empowerment to be submitted to Cabinet for approval and a phased-in implementation report to be produced Isivande Women Fund Approve 18 new projects Implement B-BBEE Amendment Act and Revised B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice Approval of B-BBEE Amendment Act Approval of revised B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice
KEY INTERVENTIONS – BROADENING PARTICIPATION 1 560 enterprises approved for Black Business Supplier Development Programme (BBSDP) Finalisation and implementation of Informal Sector Strategy Finalisation and implementation of Youth Enterprise Development Strategy (YEDS)
Broadening Participation Incentives Description Planned 2013/14 Number of firms/projects supported Potential jobs supported Investment leveraged Enterprise Incentive Programme (EIP): Manufacturing Incentive Programme (MIP) 235 4 200 R3,5bn EIP: Aquaculture Development Enhancement Programme (ADEP) - (New Incentive) 10 220 R75m Cooperative Incentive Scheme (CIS) 375 - Incubator Support Programme (ISP) (New Incentive) 50 540 R800m
KEY INTERVENTIONS - REGULATION Impact assessment of regulation on business and economic citizens Two (2) Regulatory Impact Assessment Reports with recommendations for approval on Liquor and Gambling. Policies, Bills and Regulations to enforce fair business practices Develop: Two (2) policies for approval on Intellectual Property and Gambling Act. Four (4) Bills for approval on National Credit Act, Lottery, Liquor and Business Acts. Two (2) regulations for publication.
KEY INTERVENTIONS – ADMINISTRATION Attract, develop and retain professional and skilled officials Reduction of the vacancy rate to 7%. Reduction of the staff turnover rate to 7%. Employment of People With Disability increased to 2.9% . Employment of Women in senior management positions increased to 43.8% . Creditors’ payments made in accordance with legislative requirements made within 30 days. Service Delivery Improvement Plan - Report produced on the implementation of 2012-2015 Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP). 18
KEY INTERVENTIONS – ADMINISTRATION Public Awareness Platforms and Events Conduct 12 programme-focused publications to improve the public awareness. Conduct 14 multimedia awareness campaigns. Conduct 80 events, outreach engagements and exhibitions 20 Events 40 Outreach engagements 20 Exhibitions 19
Medium Term Expenditure Framework 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Medium-Term Estimates (R ’000) Programmes Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Administration 690,1 720,6 748,3 International Trade and Economic Development 138,1 R 150,7 156,9 Broadening Participation 968,3 1 004,0 1 054,9 Industrial Development: Policy Development 1 606,5 1 771,3 2 049,8 Consumer and Corporate Regulation 256,2 248,2 258,3 Industrial Development: Incentive Administration 5 543,1 5 645,7 6 704,1 Trade and Investment South Africa 369,7 417,4 432,4 TOTAL FOR PROGRAMMES 9 572,6 9 958,0 11 404,7
Alignment of the Budget to the Strategic Goals Alignment with Govt Outcomes Budget Allocation per Strategic Goal R’000 1. Facilitate transformation of the economy to promote industrial development, investment, competitiveness and employment creation. Decent employment through inclusive growth 6 982 181 2. Build mutually beneficial regional and global relations to advance South Africa’s trade, industrial policy and economic development objectives. Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world 508 379 3. Facilitate broad-based economic participation through targeted interventions to achieve more inclusive growth. 1 135 784 4. Create a fair regulatory environment that enables investment, trade and enterprise development in an equitable and socially responsible manner. 256 157 5. Promote a professional, ethical, dynamic, competitive and customer-focused working environment that ensures effective and efficient service delivery. An efficient, effective and development- oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship 690 079
CHALLENGES The economic slowdown in traditional markets limits export growth. Building support from big business to form partnerships with township business, small scale black farmers and the informal sector. Creating buy-in for local procurement.