To understand ancient cultures had spiritual meaning in their lives. Chapter One Chapter Objectives: To understand ancient cultures had spiritual meaning in their lives. Learn the definition of Architecture. To know about the Greek orders (3) of building. Learn about Greek and Roman buildings and their function. Romanesque and Gothic architectural characteristics. Skyscrapers of today.
Architecture: Works in Progress Chapter One Architecture: Works in Progress What is architecture? How can we define what architecture is? The Greeks said it best: a place or dwelling for human needs. Going way back….. Cave man needed a place to live. Later, man would use rocks for shelter.
Egyptians took their own journey. Pyramids are tombs for the pharaohs. Life on earth was a road to the grave, in other words….
The earliest pyramid belongs to King Djoser of the third dynasty The earliest pyramid belongs to King Djoser of the third dynasty. Builder was Imhotep. Step pyramid made of mud-bricks dried in the sun. Wasn’t as pleasing as they had hoped –hesitated as it rose towards the sun. Moved on to the pyramids we know and love today~
The middle one is the great pyramid of Giza, the world’s largest. It aligns with the true north of the earth. Interesting Facts: 5 worlds largest Cathedrals in the base Took some 20 years to build Could be seen from the moon Stands 481 feet high, a 40 story skyscraper from the ancient past. Used 2.3 million stones, from 2-50 tons EACH!~~~
Jumping ahead roughly 2000 years to the Greeks. Built buildings to honor and house their gods. Built their temples inside out….? WHY? Spaces were created for celebrating and worshipping gods. Buildings were thought of as sculpture more than architecture (works of art more than just housing units). Not tombs; but temples where they worshipped on the outside. Greeks developed and used three orders.
Doric Ionic Corinthian
DORIC: Simple capitals No base (usually) Shallow flutes on columns Tapers towards the top Masculine order-holds the most weight .~~
IONIC: Capital is SCROLL-LIKE Small base Design is more flexible Came from Egyptian origins Doesn’t hold as much weight as Doric~~~
CORINTHIAN: Didn’t appear until much later, 5th century B.C. Used on the inside before thought of as outside column. Holds very little weight Feminine order Ornate capital (fancy)
In churches today, the dome represents the heavens. Pantheon is a Roman building. Still in use today as a Christian church. Has an “oculus” or opening in the ceiling. Was the world’s largest dome for 18 centuries! Consists of two parts: portico (porch) and rotunda (dome). In churches today, the dome represents the heavens.
Has “coffered” ceiling. Recessed areas within each square. Stone ceiling, called a “vault.” Used four feet of concrete on the opening “Oculus”-- overkill.~
Last building built would be the entertainment. (Roman city) Colosseum was for sports. Uses all three orders and the arch to the fullest. Called an amphitheater (combines two theaters)