Shape Your Future Event Marketing Steps to a successful event through activation of a campaign’s core messaging. Leslie Denner, Marketing Strategist at VI Marketing and Branding. Participate in event sponsorships by targeting specific audiences How to set measurable objectives for your event Create execution plans for maximizing ROI with event participation Participate in event sponsorships with any budget. This session demonstrates how event marketing can be scaled to fit any demographic and budget. Shape Your Future shows steps to a successful event through activation of a campaign’s core messaging and overall planning to determine a target that aligns with the brand and its objectives. Shape Your Future will provide examples of how the audience is left with practice of a healthy behavior along with takeaway materials to reinforce the awareness of the brand as well as tools to continue making the healthy choice in their daily lives. Shape Your Future is able to share information and experience in scaling community events to fit the target audience and budget of any program or organization throughout the year. From an event sponsorship to actively participating in a local event, Shape Your Future can provide steps to maximizing an event experience. Shape Your Future was able to reach its audience in real time and illustrate healthy behaviors its core messaging promotes. The brand was able to model and directly encourage the simple steps to making communities and families healthier in Oklahoma. Background Oklahoma has one of the highest childhood obesity rates and is the sixth highest in adult obesity in the nation. Lifestyle and behaviors like low physical activity and low fruit and vegetable consumption, along with a high prevalence of smoking and obesity, contribute to the state's leading causes of death: cancer and cardiovascular disease. The Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust’s (TSET) brand, Shape Your Future (SYF), works to improve community health by encouraging Oklahomans to eat better, move more and be tobacco free. Through various traditional and digital media efforts, SYF reveals how simple lifestyle changes can improve overall health. @ShapeFutureOK
Target Audience Meet your audience where they are. Which events will put you in the path of your brand’s target? SYF Target: Oklahomans, age 18-54, low socioeconomic status and moms or food preparers. TSET is a state agency that makes grants aimed at reducing the leading causes of death in Oklahoma – cancer and cardiovascular disease. MDA - In 2000, Oklahoma voters approved a constitutional amendment that created TSET to invest payments from the MSA. Oklahoma’s Health: One of the highest childhood obesity rates in the U.S. Seventh highest adult obesity rate in the nation. Low physical activity and fruit and vegetable consumption, along with a high prevalence of smoking and obesity, contribute to the state’s leading causes of death. TSET in conjunction with the Oklahoma State Department of Health created Shape Your Future Messaging focuses on targeting parents to encourage their kids to fill half their plates with fruits and vegetables and move more for 60 minutes per day. @ShapeFutureOK
Measurable Objectives Set event goals and objectives. How will you determine success? SYF Objectives Objective 1: Attract 500 individuals to complete a healthy activity Objective 2: Collect 200 event photos/videos Objective 3: Collect 200 event surveys @ShapeFutureOK
Event Strategy Maximize ROI through event participation. How will you know your audience is left impacted by your brand? Obstacle course “Dance Challenge” SYF branded photo and interview booth “Create a Healthy Meal Challenge” Yoga Station/Hula Hoop Station @ShapeFutureOK
Shape Your Future Events -Fill half your plate with fruits and veggies Shape Your Future Events -Fill half your plate with fruits and veggies. -Kids need 60 minutes of physical activity. Adults need 30. Oklahoma is the first state in the nation that has constitutionally protected MSA payments to ensure the earnings are used to improve the health of Oklahomans. TSET programs and grants are funded by the earnings from the endowment fund View more SYF event photos at @ShapeFutureOK
Key takeaways Research and determine target audience before choosing events. Give your team enough time to plan measurable objectives. Execute event activities that leave an impact on your audience and maximize ROI. Additional tips: Scale events to fit budget and manpower. Document and review post-event results to refine what works. @ShapeFutureOK
Contact Sjonna Paulson: Director of Health Communication, Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Leslie Denner: Marketing Strategist, VI Marketing and Branding @ShapeFutureOK