About Me Married for 25 years. One Daughter- grown Spoiled Cauchy Cat Moved back home from New Orleans Spoiled Cauchy Cat Now a GSD as well! Teaching for 19 years 12 in CUSD.
Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (Calc AB) In AP Calculus AB, students study Functions, Graphs, and Limits; Derivatives and their Applications; and Integrals and their Applications. Calculus pulls together many of the concepts the students have studied in previous courses, and it also helps them to see the relevance of the material they were taught prior to Calculus. I believe that AP Calculus AB gives the students a strong foundation for the math and science courses they will take in college. Rule of 4 Graphically, Analytically, Numerical, & Verbal
Credit Options Beyond High School AP Test Dual Enrollment A 3, 4 or 5 will likely earn credit at a university. Based upon a single test score. Test is made up of 4 parts Multiple Choice (Calculator & Non-Calculator) Free Response (Calculator & Non-Calculator) New increased emphasis on conceptual understanding Attended an AP conference to learn what is expected of students on the test. Student earns college credit for MAT221. 4 credits (must pass both semesters to earn credit.) Must pass accuplacer to enroll- CGCC will have a representative in the cafeteria at 8:00 tonight. The grade includes test and assignment points- good for hard working students who may ‘freeze’ on big tests. Transfers to AZ universities; would need to check if it transferred to out of state schools.
Why take Dual Enrollment? Earn college Credit Before Starting College Bumps you up in registration Leaves room in your schedule “Fun” Classes A Minor or Extra Major without Extra Cost Allows you to NOT take the math placement test Is Good for in-state-universities May or May not count in College GPA
Textbooks Larson & Edwards 6 edition AP Test Prep Book Calculus Early Transcendental Functions AP Test Prep Book
Opportunities for Improvement… Test Corrections 1/3 points earned back Must correct EVERY problem for which full credit was not awarded Tests may NOT leave the classroom (College Board Policy) No phones out during test corrections or discussion of non- released questions. I will assist as needed May schedule extra time to complete test corrections during office hours. CASA Quizzes Replace lowest quiz score of the quarter if all CASA quizzes assigned are completed at 80% or better. Turn in work by due date. Credit Awarded for Quality Completed Assignments Office Hours: TBD Success and Club Time One Morning & One Afternoon each week. Opportunities for Improvement…
Contact and Communication School Email craft.Joycelyn@cusd80.com Phone 480-424-8052 Web-site- SchoolWires (links) Remind 101 Infinite Campus- Grades Google Drive Students will need to create a “professional” gmail account Access to files Copyright Protection Handwritten Files Use the cusd80 email to communicate with Mrs. Craft The two words information and communication are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things. Information is giving out; communication is getting through." - Sydney Harris Contact and Communication
Supplies 3 Ring Binder with dividers (may be shared with other classes) Notes, Quizzes, AP Review Pencils, erasers, red pen, highlighters (2+ colors), colored pencils College Ruled and Graph Paper Small “Sticky” Notes (I recommend 2-3 colors) 2 – 3 GRAPH composition books May need more if one writes large. TI- 83, TI-84 or TI-89 Graphing Calculator is REQUIRED I am most familiar with the TI-84 A TI-Inspire or Casio is also acceptable (but bring your user manual!) NO CAS or QWERTY keyboards
Craft’s Classroom Wish List Tissues Whiteboard Markers Hand Sanitizer T i s s u e s W h i t e b o a r d M a r k e r s H a n d S a n i t i z e r