Health and Wellness Coaching Mapping your Journey to Health
Health Coaching & the Alternative Program What is an Alternative Program? If you are an employee covered under the MaineHealth insurance and have completed WOW! Rewards and did not meet a health target(s), you qualify for an opportunity to earn the same Reward(s) by participating in a health improvement program. The Alternative Program is open to any employee who wishes to participate.
The Alternative Program Provides best practice, evidence-based tools and resources that address the leading risk factors and health conditions experienced by our employees and their dependents. Engages all employees AND their dependents in the program. Creates a culture of good health across the organizations that comprise the MaineHealth system.
Program goals Improve health status of employees and dependents. Reduce unnecessary and inappropriate use of health services. Reduce or “slow the rise” of health care costs. Increase productivity and decrease presenteeism. Reduce illness-related absence. Position MH as the “employer of choice.”
Program options Registered Dietitian (RD) / Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN): Three visits with a RD/RDN. You have to be enrolled in a MaineHealth health insurance plan to choose this option. Health and Wellness Coaching: Attend three group health coaching sessions. All three sessions must be done by December 2016. Nurse Care Manager: one in-person visit and three follow-up sessions with a nurse care manager. Am I Hungry? A Mindful Eating Program: Eight-week, in-person, group program. Groups will range in size from 6 to 14 people. Each session is 60 minutes long and is held once a week. Some reading is required. Future Moms: If you are pregnant and enrolled in a MaineHealth health insurance plan, you have to enroll in the Future Moms program between January 2016 and August 2016. Diabetes Prevention Program: If you have a BMI greater than or equal to 24 (> 22 if Asian) and are at risk for developing pre-diabetes or have had a blood test within the past year indicating that you have pre-diabetes, you can participate in the yearlong National Diabetes Prevention Program. *Please note: not all programs are yet available in each of the MaineHealth organizations.
Program eligibility All of these options are free and open to all employees. While there are no financial rewards for your spouse/partner, they are invited to participate in any of these programs. Only the Alternative Programs mentioned here are eligible.
Group Health Coaching This option is recommended for employees who like sharing their experiences and getting support from other people in the group. Group Health Coaching will help you identify and achieve your goals by helping you make changes in nutrition, physical activity and stress reduction. Group Health Coaching is a supportive way to improve your lifestyle and work toward your optimal health.
Professional coaches Each MaineHealth coach has been trained and certified in the internationally accredited (ICF*) Wellness Mapping 360 methodology. Our certified health and wellness coaches are qualified professionals who hold additional degrees in other health related fields such as nutrition, nursing, exercise physiology or health education. Some of our coaches are also specially trained in stress reduction and smoking cessation. *International Coaching Federation
“A journey of a thousand miles Mission statement Group coaching is an opportunity to take the dreams you have for your life and put them into a workable plan with the help of a professional ally and fellow group members. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
Group Coaching details Groups will range in size from 6 to 14 people. Each session is 60 minutes long and is held either once a month or weekly– depending on program and location. You will have the same coach and be a part of the same group for each of the sessions. If you miss one of the sessions, you may not move to a different group on another date. Speak with your coach if you have to miss a class.
Group Coaching is designed to... Help you: Figure out what your health priorities are Identify and plan around your barriers to healthy living Set goals around your strengths Celebrate your successes
Coaches help you to: Create a vision of a healthy life Take stock of your goals Acknowledge your challenges Enlist the support you need Keep track of where you are and where you are going Celebrate your successes – big & small
Get inspired Develop support and motivation for your journey. Think about what is motivating you. What are you looking forward to?
“Vision is to see clearly where you are and to hold dear what can be.” Create a vision “Vision is to see clearly where you are and to hold dear what can be.” “You are the author of your life story and the only authority on your life.”
Your coach will: Focus on you – the whole person Help you follow through Help you remove obstacles Recognize the emotional side of things Create agreements to hold you accountable to yourself
Together you will: Explore Assess Create a vision Get inspired Find balance Track Evaluate
M.A.P. - your plan for success Measurable: State what you will do in measurable action steps. Attainable: Make your steps small enough that they can be accomplished in a small amount of time. Passionate: Commit to only actions that you feel passionate about.
“It takes 16 weeks for a new habit to form and old habit to diminish.” Explore What’s possible over the next three months? What’s available to make that happen? Believe in the power of habit. “It takes 16 weeks for a new habit to form and old habit to diminish.”
Assess The Wheel of Life exercise will help you to think about where you are today and where you might want to focus your efforts. How are the people in your life reacting to the changes you are making? Know when to recognize your “Inner Gremlin.”
Summary of Steps Well Life Vision Current life status Exploration-Inventory Readiness for change Areas of focus Co-creating the Wellness Plan Accountability
Tracking Writing down what you do (tracking) helps you to move towards your desired outcomes. Tracking makes it easier to evaluate what is working for you and what’s not.
Find balance Eat well Exercise Sleep Laugh Take time in nature Be still
Remember Ability is what you are capable of Motivation determines what you do Attitude determines how well you do it To be well– be kind—be compassionate with yourself.
Redeeming your rewards Bring the Alternative Program Form with you for your program provider (health coach) to complete. Fax your form to WebMD no later than December 31, 2016. Forms faxed after this date will not be considered. Unless previously approved by WOW! , only the Alternative programs mentioned here are eligible.
To learn more about the Alternative Program, visit the WOW! website: More information To learn more about the Alternative Program, visit the WOW! website: