Inter-American Telecommunication Commission Inter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 Forum Europe Inter-American Telecommunication Commission CITEL
Inter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 Member States supporting one or more proposals: 14. CITEL will present 33 Inter-American Proposals. Topics covered by proposals: ITU-T Study Group structure General proposals
ITU- Study Group Structure Rationale and Resulting SG structure Inter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 ITU- Study Group Structure IAP 23 4037r1 Update to the Resolution 2 of WTSA – ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector study group responsibility and mandates Current ITU-T SG Proposed Action Description Rationale and Resulting SG structure TSAG NOC Current TSAG SG2 MOD Move WP2/2 (telecommunication management and network and service operations in Q5/2, Q6/2 and Q7/2) to SG13 Move Q4/2 to SG16 Telecommunication management issues have a strong synergy with SG13 current activities. SG2 should focus its work on numbering, naming, addressing, routing and service provision. SG3 Keep structure and include leading roles aligned with the current scope of work. SG5 Keep structure and include a leading role on e-waste, energy efficiency and clean energy..
Rationale and Resulting SG structure Inter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 Current ITU-T SG Proposed Action Description Rationale and Resulting SG structure SG9 SUP Move Q2/9 (end-to-end QoS) & Q12/9 (audiovisual quality) to SG12 Move Q1/9, Q3/9, Q4/9, Q5/9, Q6/9, Q7/9, Q8/9, Q10/9, Q11/9, Q13/9 to SG16 Move Q9/9 to SG15 Improve efficiency and effectiveness of the ITU-T Standardization Group SG11 MOD Move Q10/11(Service and networks benchmarking measurements) and Q15/11 (Testing as a service - TAAS) to SG12 SG11 focuses on signaling and protocols, test specifications, conformance and interoperability. Inclusion of Leading roles on Combating counterfeit and stolen devices.
Rationale and Resulting SG structure Inter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 Current ITU-T SG Proposed Action Description Rationale and Resulting SG structure SG12 MOD Add Q2/9 (end-to-end QoS), Q12/9 (audiovisual quality), Q10/11 (Service and networks benchmarking measurements) & Q15/11 (Testing as a service - TAAS) SG12 leads the work on QoS and QoE, now including audiovisual quality (Q2/9 and Q12/9), benchmarking measurements (Q10/11) & TAAS (Q15/11), with a new leading role on quality assessment of video communications and applications. SG13 Add WP2/2 (telecommunication management and network and service operations in Q5/2, Q6/2 and Q7/2) SG13 focused on IMT-2020, cloud computing and trust. Inclusion of a new leading roles based on WP2/2 inclusion. SG15 Add Q9/9 Including the leading role on home networking to SG15. SG16 Add Q4/2 (human factors), Q1/9, Q3/9, Q4/9, Q5/9, Q6/9, Q7/9, Q8/9, Q10/9, Q11/9 & Q13/9 SG16 focussed on multimedia, human factors (including Q4/2), and e-services.
Rationale and Resulting SG structure Inter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 – LEAD ITU-T STUDY GROUPS IN SPECIFIC AREAS OF STUDY SG2 Lead study group for numbering, naming, addressing, identification and routing Lead study group for service definition Current ITU-T SG Proposed Action Description Rationale and Resulting SG structure SG17 NOC SG17 leading on security issues. SG20 SG20 leading on IoT and smart cities. Proposals to Modify List of Lead Study Groups as set out in Part 2 of WTSA-12 Resolution 2 SG2: Lead study group for numbering, naming, addressing, identification and routing Lead study group for service definition Lead study group on telecommunications for disaster relief/early warning, network resilience and recovery SG3: Lead study group on tariff and accounting principles including related telecommunication economic and policy issues SG5: Lead study group on electromagnetic compatibility, lightning protection and electromagnetic effects Lead study group on ICTs and climate change, including e-waste, energy efficiency and clean energy
Inter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 – LEAD ITU-T STUDY GROUPS IN SPECIFIC AREAS OF STUDY SG2 Lead study group for numbering, naming, addressing, identification and routing Lead study group for service definition SG11: Lead study group on signalling and protocols Lead study group on test specifications, conformance and interoperability testing Lead study group on combating counterfeiting. Lead study group on combating the use of stolen devices. SG12: Lead study group on quality of service and quality of experience Lead study group on driver distraction and voice aspects of car communications Lead study group on quality assessment of video communications and applications SG13: Lead study group on future networks such as IMT-2020 networks (non-radio related parts) Lead study group on mobility management Lead study group on cloud computing Lead study group on trusted network infrastructures Lead study group on telecommunication management SG15: Lead study group on access network transport Lead study group on home networking Lead study group on optical technology Lead study group on smart grid
Inter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 – LEAD ITU-T STUDY GROUPS IN SPECIFIC AREAS OF STUDY SG2 Lead study group for numbering, naming, addressing, identification and routing Lead study group for service definition SG16: Lead study group on multimedia coding, systems and applications Lead study group on ubiquitous multimedia applications Lead study group on telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities Lead study group on intelligent transport system (ITS) communications Lead study group on Internet Protocol television (IPTV) and digital signage Lead study group on e-services, such as e-government, e-health and e-education Lead study group on human factors Lead study group on integrated broadband cable and television networks SG17: Lead study group on security Lead study group on identity management (IdM) Lead study group on languages and description techniques SG20: Lead study group on Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications Lead study group on Smart Cities and Communities (SC&C)
Inter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 IAP 1 3844 SUP Suppression of WTSA-12 Resolution 82 IAP 2 4128r1 ADD ITU-T initiatives to raise awareness of Best Practices and Policies related to Service Quality IAP 3 4054 Suppression of WTSA-12 Resolution 32 - Strengthening electronic working methods for the work of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector IAP 4 4047 Suppression of WTSA-12 Resolution 55 – Mainstreaming a gender perspective in ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector activities IAP 5 4048 WTSA-16 Resolution – Promoting gender equality in ITU-T activities IAP 6 4086r1 MOD Modifications to WTSA-12 Resolution 71 – Admission of Academia in the work of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector IAP 7 4064r3 WTSA-16 Resolution– Use of the Internet of Things (IoT) for global development IAP 8 4131 WTSA-16 Resolution - International Mobile Roaming (IMR) IAP 9 4036r1 WTSA-16 Resolution Combating Mobile Telecommunication Device Theft IAP 10 4041r2 Modification to WTSA-12 Resolution 1 - Rules of procedure of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization sector
Inter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 IAP 11 3934 ADD Studies related the combat of Counterfeit and Tampered ICT devices IAP 12 4039 MOD Acknowledging the contributions to the development of ITU Study Group deliverables (MOD WTSA-12 RES. 80) IAP 13 4055 SUP Suppression of WTSA-12 Resolution 11 – Collaboration with the Postal Operations Council of the Universal Postal Union in the study of services concerning both the postal and the telecommunication sectors IAP 14 4049 Modification to WTSA-12 Resolution 70 – Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities IAP 15 4087 Modification to WTSA-12 Resolution 72 – Measurement concerns related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields IAP 16 4074r2 Modification to WTSA-12 Resolution 44 – Bridging the standardization gap between developing and developed countries IAP 17 4008 Modification to WTSA-12 Resolution 61 – Countering and Combating misappropriation and misuse of international telecommunication numbering resources IAP 18 4091 WTSA-16 Resolution – Admission of Small and Medium Enterprises in the work of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU IAP 19 4046r1 Modification to WTSA-12 Resolution 50 – Cybersecurity IAP 20 4043 Modification to WTSA-12 Recommendation ITU-T A.13 - Non-normative ITU-T publications including Supplements to ITU-T Recommendations
PropuestInter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 IAP 21 3847 SUP Suppression of WTSA-12 Resolution 81 – Strengthening collaboration IAP 23 4050r1 MOD Modification to WTSA-12 Resolution 75 – The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector's contribution in implementing the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society IAP 24 4075r4 Modification to WTSA-12 Resolution 35 – Appointment and maximum term of office for chairmen and vice chairmen of study groups of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector and of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group IAP 25 4146 -- Principles of Study Group structuring IAP 26 3845 Suppression of WTSA-12 Resolution 33 - Guidelines for strategic activities of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector IAP 27 3846 Suppression of WTSA-12 Resolution 45 - Effective coordination of standardization work across study groups in ITU-T and the role of TSAG IAP 28 3849 Suppression of WTSA-12 Resolution 38 - Coordination among the three ITU Sectors for activities relating to International Mobile Telecommunications
Inter-American Proposals to be presented at World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly - 2016 IAP 29 4052 SUP Proposed Suppression of WTSA-12 Resolution 59 – Enhancing participation of telecommunication operators from developing countries IAP 30 4042r1 MOD Modification to WTSA-12 Recommendation ITU-T A.1 Working Methods for Study Groups of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector IAP 31 4077 Amendment to Resolution 22 (Rev. Dubai, 2012) – Authorization for the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group to act between world telecommunication standardization assemblies IAP 32 4009 Modification to WTSA-12 Resolution 65 – Calling party number delivery, calling line identification and origin identification IAP 33 4053r2 Modification to WTSA-12 Resolution 76 - Studies related to conformance and interoperability testing, assistance to developing countries and a possible future ITU Mark programme
Inter-American Telecommunications Commission THANKS Forum Europe Inter-American Telecommunications Commission CITEL