Slow-pitch Softball Co-ed League
roster Valid MSU ID Card Required 10 players fielding/batting (no additional batters) Must be signed up on IMLeagues Roster prior to last day of regular season
Attire Closed toed shoes No jewelry of any kind Cleats must be molded rubber No jewelry of any kind Athletic attire (no jeans, khakis, etc.)
Game Time Minimum of 8 eligible players must be present to start 10 Minutes past start time determines a forfeit: For every minute your team is late, the other team gets 1 run
Game Format 6 inning games No new inning starts after 40 minutes No extra innings in regular season
Game Format All softballs used during play will be provided by MSU Recreational Sports Department All softball bats used during play will be provided by MSU Recreational Sports Department
Game format Teams may not have more than 7 members of one sex playing the field or batting in any particular inning: 7 males/females & 3 females/males 6 males/females & 4 females/males 5 males/females & 5 females/males This applies even when playing down players
Extra innings Only during playoffs Starts where previous inning left off 1 inning at a time to declare winner
Mercy Rule Any team up by 20 runs after 3 innings
field MSU Softball Field (Mustangs Park) Deemed by the fence and net Any catch made carrying a player completely over the fence will be deemed no catch
Innings Each inning will start with the visitor team up to bat first After 3 outs, the visiting team will take the field and the home team will bat
batting A batting order must be submitted to the Rec Sports Manager prior to start of the game There are no female/male limitations to the batting order (i.e. male, female, male, female, etc.) A substitute batting must play the field in the corresponding inning
Batting No bunting Only 3 home runs per game (over the fence) Wrists must break (automatic out) Only 3 home runs per game (over the fence) Each additional home run will be an out Batter must have at least one foot in the batters box Batter’s foot may not touch any part of home plate when hitting the ball Batter’s foot may not be completely out of the batter’s box when hitting the ball
Batting Start with 1 – and – 1 count Extra foul rule: If a player has 2 strikes they are allowed 1 foul ball With 2 strikes, on player’s second foul ball, he/she is out If 4 balls are called, player must walk
Batting If 2 outs are present: A male is walked AND a female is up to bat next The female may elect to walk or hit This may happen multiple times in one inning
Base running Tag up Sliding may only be feet first Player must tag up if a fly ball is caught (must retreat in base path) Sliding may only be feet first Keep feet down Head first is an automatic out No substitute base runners Unless injury occurs May use substitute player OR last player to be out
Base running Players may not leave the base until contact is made Automatic Out No lead offs or stealing Base runners may not interfere with player A base runner struck by a ball hit by a batter will be considered out If it has not be touched by any player prior
Foul Balls Anything landing on the foul ball line is considered in bounds Ball rolling out of bounds and entering in bounds is legal Prior to being touched Prior to passing first/third base
Infield Fly rule Occurs when: Batter is automatically out Fly ball to the infield AND 0 or 1 out(s) AND Runners on 1st and 2nd OR Runners on 1st, 2nd and 3rd Batter is automatically out Runners may still advance If fielder catches the ball, runners must tag up
Substitutes Substitutes do not have to be same sex May not place more than 7 of one sex on the field Must be made at the beginning of an inning Must inform rec sports manager Sub will stay in previous players batting order
Fielding Each team must have a dedicated: Catcher Pitcher Fielders may not interfere with base runners
Fielding Any ball exiting the field of play will deem a stoppage of play At the time of exit, each runner will be ‘given’ the base they are attempting Play is stopped once the pitcher receives the ball and is in close proximity to the mound not attempting to make a play
Pitching A pitcher must start with one foot on the rubber mound (pivot foot) A pitcher must keep one foot on the rubber mound until the ball is released (pivot foot) A pitcher may step forward with one foot while pitching
Pitching All pitching will be done under hand A pitcher must release the ball on the first rotation of the arm A pitcher must have a continuous motion A pitcher must pitch the ball at a moderate speed Home plate umpire judgement call
Strike Zone Ball must be between a 5 foot arc and 12 foot arc Ball must cross the batter below the shoulder and above the knee Ball must land in the strike zone landing area 3 foot deep X 2 foot wide Any ball striking the plate is deemed a ball
Strike zone
3 ump Mechanics No Runners OR Runner on 3rd
3 ump Mechanics Runner on first base
3 ump Mechanics Any other runner scenario
2 ump Mechanics No runners
2 ump Mechanics Runner on 1st OR Runner on 1st and 3rd
2 ump Mechanics Any other runner scenario
2 ump mechanics Plate areas Double Play
2 ump mechanics Fly ball Ground Ball
2/3 ump mechanics Foul ball Foul ball
2/3 Ump Mechanics Interference (step & Reach)
Mechanics Infield Fly Count Safe bv&index=10 Count Safe