Best Practices for Using Your Curriculum Management System Jennifer Gibson, PhD, Tulane University Jose Lopez, MS, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso Hugh Stoddard, PhD, MEd, Emory University Walter Fitz-William, MPP, Association of American Medical Colleges
Best Practices for Curriculum Management Systems Schools invest time, finances, energy, committee time, and human resources in these Curriculum Management Systems. This investment should result in more informed curriculum administrators, committees, faculty, staff, and students using reports that: Inform curriculum decisions, continuous quality improvement and benchmarking efforts; Track competencies, key terminology, and themes/special emphases.
Objectives At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to: Review features of Curriculum Management Systems Explain the types of data that are important to the success of a Curriculum Management System Discuss how Curriculum Management Systems can support curriculum committee discussions, administrative decisions, and student preparation for the curriculum Share opportunities and challenges from other medical schools Demonstrate how local curriculum data can be benchmarked with national data
Small Group Discussion Questions: What are Best Practices for the types of data that should be collected? What are Best Practices for collecting curriculum data? What are Best Practices for using curriculum data to support Curriculum Committees, Administrators, Faculty, Students, and Staff? What are Best Practices for using curriculum data to support benchmarking, CQI, curriculum review/renewal, and accreditation? What features are necessary in a Curriculum Management System to support these Best Practices?
Using Curriculum Mapping to Drive Change Collect, Analyze, Act Jennifer Gibson, PhD Tulane University School of Medicine Director, Office of Medical Education
Data Collection: Mapping Template Institutional Competencies Adopted the AAMC Physician Competency Reference Set (PCRS) Course Level Course Objectives/aligned to Institutional Competencies/PCRS Start/End Dates List of Sessions Teaching Faculty Disciplines Session Level Session objectives/aligned to course objectives/USMLE unified content outline Primary method of instruction/Instructor Discipline Hot Topics Resources Assessment Method Date of Offering/Location/Time
Analysis: Identifying Gaps Review Item Analyses from NBME Customized Assessments Review USMLE Step1 and Step2 CK score plots
Curricular Revision CC Goal: Increase active and self-directed learning Instructional Methods (pre-clinical) Percent Case-Based Instruction/Learning 6.46% Demonstration 0.11% Discussion, Large Group (>12) 11.10% Discussion, Small Group (≤12) 1.36% Games Independent Learning 8.95% Laboratory 6.34% Lecture 57.42% Patient Presentation - Patient 0.45% Preceptorship 1.13% Problem-Based Learning (PBL) 2.49% Self-Directed Learning 0.34% Service Learning Activity 0.23% Simulation 0.79% Team-Based Learning (TBL) 1.70% Tutorial 1.02%
Curriculum Management System: Supporting Curricular Alignment of Program Goals Jose Lopez, MSCIS, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center- Paul L. Foster School of Medicine
Decision: Internal System Integrated curriculum was difficult to represent in a 3rd party system Centralized Data Collection Reporting Flexibility Automated CIR XML file Integration with 3rd party student assessment systems via a programming web interface (API) for custom reporting Supports Accreditation reporting and review Informs Curriculum Educational Policy Committee decisions
Curriculum Management System: CHAMP Committee developed 12 members from Medical Education and IT Members serve on other educational committees MedBiquitous standards Concepts Vocabularies: Resource Types, Instructional, and Assessment Methods Program Goals and Objectives mapped to Physicians Competency Reference Set (PCRS) Curriculum Inventory site AAMC CIR Staging site used to proof our verification report CI Working group identifies reporting issues in our curriculum
Reports Mapping: Curricular Alignment of Program Goals and Objectives (PGO)
Reports Faculty Tracking
Custom Reports CQI: Future implementation of dashboard using 3rd Party API integration
The Emory SOM Curriculum Content Framework The EUSOM Framework: Tags link content taught to content assessed curriculum management Tags connect program outcomes to teaching and assessment outcomes based education Framework provides a basis to evaluate organizes data to make judgements CI EUSOM Framework Organization: SPAs (outcomes) Organ systems (ICD-9) General principles (USMLE) Special topics (LCME & local) Patient problems (common conditions)
Benchmarking Local Curriculum Data with National Data Walter Fitz-William, MPP, Association of American Medical Colleges
Small Group Discussion Questions: What are Best Practices for the types of data that should be collected? What are Best Practices for collecting curriculum data? What are Best Practices for using curriculum data to support Curriculum Committees, Administrators, Faculty, Students, and Staff? What are Best Practices for using curriculum data to support benchmarking, CQI, curriculum review/renewal, and accreditation? What features are necessary in a Curriculum Management System to support these Best Practices?
Questions / Take-home Message