Want to plan an event to benefit CURE? Hold a neighborhood arts & crafts show Host a garage sale Organize a sporting event: lacrosse, kickball, etc. Request a jeans/casual dress day at work Host a board game tournament Host a wine tasting Host a concert Host some other unique fundraising event! Community Fundraiser Application Please submit to CURE 60 days before event Name of Group/Individual:__________________________ Contact Name: ____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ______________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Event: ______________________________________________ Date of Event: ______________________________________ Fundraising Goal: $__________________________________ Is CURE the sole recipient of event proceeds? YES NO If no, who else is? ___________________________________ Are proceeds to be designated for specific use? If yes, where should funds be designated? ____________________________________________________ Expectations of CURE: _________________________ _______________________________________________ I understand and agree to the guidelines that are included in this brochure for running a community fundraiser for the CURE Childhood Cancer Association. I understand that CURE has the right to make changes to the guidelines as necessary. Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________ Community Fundraiser Guidelines For more information, visit: www.curekidscancer.com or contact Holly Dutcher at (585)473.0180 or holly.dutcher@curekidscancer.com
Assistance from CURE Staff: Promotion & Logo Usage: Thank you! By organizing an external fundraiser to benefit the CURE Childhood Cancer Association, you are helping hundreds of LOCAL families coping with childhood cancer & chronic blood disorders. Thank you for partnering with us in our mission to improve their lives. Please review the guidelines below to assist in planning your event. Assistance from CURE Staff: Social media promotion: CURE will promote your event via Facebook & Twitter. Acknowledgement and tax deductibility letters will be generated for all donations directed to CURE in accordance with state and federal tax laws. Promote your event on our website: www.curekidscancer.com Provide & approve the use of CURE’s logo Provide a letter authenticating the external fundraiser is raising funds for CURE to be used to validate the fundraiser & its organizers. Ad hoc assistance as discussed prior to the event. Promote your event in CURE’s monthly newsletter. All copy needs to be submitted by the 21st of the month prior for inclusion. Event Guidelines: CURE is not responsible for and will be held harmless from all liabilities and expenses. You may not retain any net proceeds from the event. If CURE is not to receive 100% of the proceeds of the event, the exact percentage that will be donated to CURE must be clearly stated on all promotional materials and detailed on the application form here. CURE cannot extend tax exempt status to you for purchases for the event. Please submit event proceeds to CURE within 30 days of the event. You can mail proceeds to: 200 Westfall Road, Rochester, NY 14620 or stop by and see us! CURE is not responsible to obtain or pay for permit fees or fines associated with this event. Both of these are the responsibility of the organizer. CURE is not liable for any damaged property or injuries to individuals before, during or after the event. Promotion & Logo Usage: All promotional materials for your event that use CURE’s logo or name must be reviewed and approved by CURE’s Executive Director prior to usage. Once your event has been approved, you can email this information to Holly Dutcher: holly.dutcher@curekidscancer.com for approval. CURE’s logo must be used “as is” and should not be changed, unless designed in conjunction with CURE’s advertising agency designer and approved by CURE’s Executive Director When referencing the event, the CURE Childhood Cancer Association must be listed as the recipient of the funds, not the host. For example: “Neighborhood Garage Sale to benefit the CURE Childhood Cancer Association. We can be referred to as “the CURE Childhood Cancer Association” or “CURE”.