Introducing the CSPRN Anglophone Africa Dialogue Forum for sharing and learning among Global Fund Civil Society PRs Nairobi, Kenya August 31, 2016 Barbara Rieckhoff, co-chair Ann Claxton, co-chair
What is the CSPRN?
YOU ARE! All CSO PRs are eligible and welcome to join, as long as they are a Principal Recipient (PR) of at least one GFATM grant
What does it do? Formed in 2008 in recognition of common issues and concerns among CSO PRs Overarching goals: Support meaningful and constructive engagement with GFATM Provide a forum for CSO PRs to share information, lessons learned and tools Channel a collective CSO PR “voice” Serve as a focal point for CSO implementers of Global Fund grants.
Governance and Membership TORs and membership list available Current membership is comprised approximately 60 organizations Chair is elected through member voting for two-year tenure
Current co-chairs Save the Children and World Vision
Previous co-chairs CHAZ and NACOSA
Member Interaction Monthly member calls
Member Interaction Annual or bi-annual member meetings, attended by GFATM leadership New York (2008) Nairobi (2009) The Hague (2010) Nairobi (2011) Cape Town (2012) Amsterdam (2015) Geneva (2017)
Member Interaction Collaboration at international events Consolidated member “Roadmaps” for conferences Member side meetings Collaboration on other side events eg. GFAN networking zone
What can CSPRN do for you? Advocacy – “Strength in Numbers” vs “Divide and Conquer” By advocating on behalf of CS PRs, the CSPRN has succeeded in the following areas: Publication of the GFATM Operational Policy manual – previously only internal and confidential GFATM policy on ICR negotiated in 2011 Addition of NNGO ICR policy in 2014 Feedback during GFATM partner consultations = some improvement in policies/regulations
What can CSPRN do for you? Strong advocacy and significant progress in addressing “paint points” in the revised GFATM Grant Regulations: Lack of force majeur clause Right of Access clause Dispute Resolution Mechanism CSPRN Advisory Group -- direct channel of communication with Secretariat Direct link with three NGO Delegations to the GFATM Board
What can CSPRN do for you? 2. Capacity building Monthly calls include GFATM speakers on relevant topics, eg. Branding policy, GFATM Strategy 2017--- Annual meetings provide multiple opportunities for cross-regional, PR-PR sharing and learning Collaboration with TSF on the PR survey and agenda development for August 2016 PR Forum
Challenges CSPRN is not funded! Member enrollment has been ad hoc Chair time has always been provided in-kind by member organizations Secretariat is hosted by World Vision Member enrollment has been ad hoc Coordination still lacking with some stakeholders or resources available to PRs
The Way Forward Secure core funding and formalize operations beyond current structure Help pull together various ongoing CSO PR support efforts/resources Advocate for reduced duplication of effort and more balanced levels of support Advocate for better coordination between GFATM Secretariat and PRs globally Eg. Only 3-4 PRs in this room attended Mozambique meeting Who has heard of the trainings? GFATM regional teams don’t consistently provide additional support – High Impact Africa II vs High Impact Africa I Facilitate increased collaboration in neglected areas Eg. Among Regional PRs that currently have no facilitated forum for sharing
We want your involvement! To get from here……
We want your involvement! … here!