Учитель ГБОУ №196 Прудникова С.А. Word Formation Учитель ГБОУ №196 Прудникова С.А.
We use the following suffixes with nouns or verbs to form adjectives in English: Noun + -ful (use-useful), -al (magic magical), -ish (self-selfish), - less (help-helpless), -ly (friend-friendly), -ous (fury-furious) Verb + -able (rely-reliable), -ed (bore-bored), -ing (bore-boring), -ible (sense-sensible), -ive (act-active)
Use+ -ful useful Magic+ -al magical selfish Self+ -ish
Help+ - less helpless Friend+ -ly friendly Fury+ -ous furious
reliable Rely+ -able Bore+ -ed bored Bore+ -ing boring
Sense+ -ible sensible Act+ -ive active
useful This book is very (use)___________. I don`t have a (magic)_________ ring. He is very (self)___________. These animals are so (help)__________. I feel (bore)___________ , let`s play a game. My teacher is so (friend)_________ and (rely)_________. This film is so (bore)__________. It is important to be (act)___________ on the lessons. My friend is so (sense) ___________. magical selfish helpless bored reliable friendly boring active sensible
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