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Presentation transcript:

Los Adjetivos

Los adjetivos: Adjectives: Words that modify nouns En español, most adjectives have either two or four forms When using adjectives in Spanish, one must always consider PLACEMENT and AGREEMENT.

ADJECTIVE AGREEMENT: If an adjective ends in O, A, OS, AS or dor, dora, dores, doras then it will have four forms and the form that you use in any given sentence must agree with the noun that it modifies. alto (m/s) alta (f/s) altos (m/p) altas (f/p)

ADJECTIVE AGREEMENT: If an adjective ends in something other than O, A, OS, AS, or dor, dora, dores, doras then it will have only two forms – singular and plural. grande (s) grandes (p)

Exceptions to the rule…: The adjectives good (bueno) and bad (malo) are descriptive adjectives but are generally placed in front of the nouns they modify. Also adjectives that reflect an inherent quality of the noun (cold ice) are also placed in front of the noun.

placed in front of the noun Descriptive adjectives PLACEMENT OF ADJECTIVES Restrictive adjectives placed in front of the noun Descriptive adjectives placed after the noun Nouns used as adjectives placed after the noun and separated by the word “de”

Multiple Descriptive adjectives of equal importance: PLACEMENT OF ADJECTIVES Multiple Descriptive adjectives of equal importance: placed after the noun and separated with “y” El libro verde y sucio

Multiple Descriptive adjectives of unequal importance: PLACEMENT OF ADJECTIVES Multiple Descriptive adjectives of unequal importance: the less important may (on occasion) be placed in front of the noun, the other after. El verde libro sucio

Watch out for adjectives with endings cut off: bueno, malo, primero, tercero, uno, grande In front of masculine nouns become: Buen, mal, primer, tercer, un, gran

Nominalizing Adjectives To change an adjective into a noun simply add the appropriate definite article in front of it. El libro verde - the green book El verde - the green one

íOjo para estos! before after antiguo former ancient gran, grande great large pobre pitiful needy nuevo new to owner brand new único only unique viejo old, longtime elderly

EXAMPLES: the big backpack la mochila grande a white book un libro blanco three Spanish notebooks tres cuadernos de español