Year 2 – Autumn Term 2014 – Literacy Planning Focus - The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl Read first two pages of story and identify all the adjectives e.g. biggest, muddiest, sharp, juicy etc. What adjectives does Roald Dahl use to make his writing more interesting? Brainstorm information about the enormous crocodile under headings e.g. Where does he live? What does he like to eat? What does he look like? How does he behave? Focus on adjectives. Write perfect sentences about The Enormous Crocodile. What key ideas and words can you identify in the story? How can I structure my ideas about The Enormous Crocodile in the form of a character profile? Write a Wanted poster to include a description of the enormous crocodile (use information from brainstorm.) What should I include when writing a summary of the story? Write a book review. Brief description of the story. Did you enjoy the story? Why? What was your favourite part of the story? What Key things do I need to think about when planning my own story? Plan and write a story in which a different dangerous animal carries out a special trick on another animal e.g. The Terrifying Tiger. Think about a story opener, character/setting description, a clever trick and an interesting ending. How can I structure my ideas into a narrative with a story opener, main event and an interesting ending?