Portfolio A portfolio review is a great way to see a student’s progress. Often a student comes in not having much skill. It is important for them and you to see the growth that has occurred in the semester, even if they never become a Da Vinci. Keeping a portfolio of work can work for those at the upper grades, but can frustrate some students who want to take their work home when it is completed. Most schools have an end of the year art show, so it will be important for you to keep the students’ work around - have them choose between work to take home or work to stay (keeping two in at all times)
Monitoring Monitoring is a casual way in which a teacher evaluates a student’s work progress. This can be done by walking around the room and quietly observing and assessing student work, by “exit” forms as students leave the class, reading journal entries etc You can also do this by assessing students during class discussions and critiques etc.
Assessments Formal Quizzes, tests, papers, etc If you choose to do quizzes etc make sure you have prepared students for success, and never evaluate on what they have not learned. Make tests about concept not about facts –e.g. “What year did the Impressionist movement begin?” Instead, “What were some important concepts of the Impressionist artists?” Test variety– is your test all fill in the blanks? T or F? vocabulary matching? Essay only? Or a combination of every testing type? Really ask yourself if a quiz/test is necessary for children to learn the concept or show you they have learned it. Authentic How can the student demonstrate their knowledge of the subject in a more authentic way -using the Multiple Intelligences? Through writing, dance, performance, song, painting, building a model etc
Rubrics Make sure students know what they are being evaluated on. What you believe is important for children and their art making should be revealed in your rubric. It is important to keep rubric evaluations the same in their set up. Ask your school if they have a specific way- e.g is 1 the highest or lowest? Keep it SIMPLE Consider using icons instead of numbers or words for K-2nd grade – if using at all.
K-8th Grading K-6th grade it is often by Satisfactory method 7 & 8th grade is often letter grade. Some K-6th grade will have you evaluate a long list of student mastery of tools and concept e.g. Can cut with scissors, can use tap dispenser, can create 4 different folds in paper, can work with a partner, has control of brush, cleans up well Remember Michigan has the required Standards and Benchmarks for each grade level and you should be using those to help identify your overall scope and sequence and daily lesson plans to keep you on track. Perform, Create and Analyze
LINOCUT NAME _____________________ /10 pts. Use of “common to man” theme. /10 pts. Creative choice of subject and /or viewpoint. /10 pts. Good use of negative and positive space. /10 pts. Contains repetition of line. /10 pts. Contains repetition of shapes. /30 pts. Ten prints titled, signed and numbered and neatly executed. /20 pts Effort –stayed focused on work, cooperative with others and teacher Total /100