Chapter 8 Lesson 8.3 Abruptio placentae Choriocarcinoma Ectopic pregnancy Placenta previa Preeclampsia Amniocentesis phor/o py/o salping/o arche -cele gravida Journal question: Why would uterine artery embolization be used to treat fibroids?
Chapter Goals Identify abnormal conditions of the female reproductive system and of the newborn child. Explain important laboratory tests, clinical procedures, and abbreviations related to gynecology and obstetrics. Apply your new knowledge to understanding medical terms in their proper contexts, such as medical reports or records.
Pathology: Pregnancy Abruptio placentae Choriocarcinoma Premature separation of the implanted placenta Choriocarcinoma Malignant tumor of the placenta Ectopic pregnancy Misplaced implantation of egg Placenta previa Preeclampsia What is an ectopic pregnancy? Which term describes the emergence of the placenta before the baby?
Pathology: Neonatal Down syndrome Erythroblastosis fetalis Hyaline membrane disease Hydrocephalus Meconium aspiration syndrome Pyloric stenosis
Pathology: Neonatal (cont’d) APGAR SCORING CHART Assessment of newborn Scoring 1 to 5 mins after birth
Clinical Tests and Procedures Pap test (Pap smear) Pregnancy test Procedures X-rays Ultrasound Gynecological procedures Procedures during pregnancy For what tests is a speculum used? What types of x-rays are used to examine the reproductive organs? What is the purpose of hysterosalpingography (HSG)?
Clinical Procedures (cont’d) Gynecological procedures Laparoscopic oophorectomy A, Ovary placed in plastic bag. B, Extracted through the laparoscope
Clinical Tests and Procedures Procedures during pregnancy Amniocentesis Needle placement guided by ultrasound images.
Review Sheet (cont’d) amni/o amnion cephal/o head COMBINING FORMS amni/o amnion cephal/o head cervic/o cervix, neck chori/o, chorion/o chorion colp/o vagina Combining Form Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) culd/o cul-de-sac episi/o vulva galact/o milk COMBINING FORMS culd/o cul-de-sac episi/o vulva galact/o milk gynec/o woman, female hyster/o uterus, womb Combining Form Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) lact/o milk mamm/o breast mast/o breast COMBINING FORMS lact/o milk mamm/o breast mast/o breast men/o menses, menstruation metr/o uterus Combining Form Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) my/o muscle myom/o muscle tumor nat/i birth COMBINING FORMS my/o muscle myom/o muscle tumor nat/i birth obstetr/o midwife olig/o scanty o/o egg Combining Form Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) oophor/o ovary ov/o egg ovari/o ovary ovul/o egg COMBINING FORMS oophor/o ovary ov/o egg ovari/o ovary ovul/o egg perine/o perineum Combining Form Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) phor/o to bear py/o pus COMBINING FORMS phor/o to bear py/o pus salping/o fallopian tubes uter/o uterus vagin/o vagina vulv/o vulva Combining Form Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) -arche beginning -cele hernia -cyesis pregnancy SUFFIXES -arche beginning -cele hernia -cyesis pregnancy -ectasis stretching, dilation -ectomy removal, excision Suffix Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) -flexion flexible -genesis producing; forming SUFFIXES -flexion flexible -genesis producing; forming -gravida pregnancy -itis inflammation -pareunia sexual intercourse -parous to bear, bring forth Suffix Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) -plasia development, formation SUFFIXES -plasia development, formation -plasty surgical repair -ptosis dropping, sagging -rrhagia bursting forth (blood) -rrhaphy suture Suffix Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) -rrhea discharge -salpinx uterine tube SUFFIXES -rrhea discharge -salpinx uterine tube -scopy visual examination -stenosis tightening -stomy new opening Suffix Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) -tocia labor, birth -tomy process of cutting SUFFIXES -tocia labor, birth -tomy process of cutting -tresia opening -version act of turning Suffix Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) bi- two dys- painful endo- within in- in PREFIXES bi- two dys- painful endo- within in- in intra- within multi- many Prefix Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) nulli- no, not, none oxy- swift, sharp PREFIXES nulli- no, not, none oxy- swift, sharp peri- surrounding pre- before Prefix Meaning
Review Sheet (cont’d) primi- first pseudo- false retro- backward PREFIXES primi- first pseudo- false retro- backward uni- one Prefix Meaning