Vocab PNF PRE PROM PSIS PT pt PWB Qid (R) Rehab.
Shoulder Evaluation
Anatomy Review
Anatomy Review
Anatomy Review
History Location of pain Onset Activity-Sports, lifting MOI S/S Prior Injury
Observation Lateral Structures General Anterior Structures Deltoid muscle groups Acromion process-Step Deformity Position of the humerus Posterior Structures Alignment of the spinal vertebrae Position of the scapula Muscle tone General Position of head Position of the arm Anterior Structures Level of the shoulders Contour of the clavicles Symmetry of the deltoid muscle groups Anterior humerus Biceps brachii
Palpation Humerus Scapula Anterior Structures Spine of the scapula Superior angle Inferior angle Rotator cuff Teres major Rhomboids Levator scapulae Trapezius Latissimus dorsi Tricepts Brachii Anterior Structures Jugular notch SC ligament Clavicular Shaft Acromion process-Piano Key Sign Coracoid process Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Deltoid muscle group Humerus Humeral head Coracobrachialis Greater/lesser tuberosities Biceps brachii Bicipital groove Long head tendon Humeral Shaft Short head tendon
ROM Tests Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Internal Rotation External Rotation Horizontal Abduction Horizontal Adduction Apley’s Scratch Tests
Ligamentous Tests SC Glide AC Glide GH Glide Anterior Apprehension Test
Special Tests Acromioclavicular Joint Glenohumeral Pathology AC Traction Test AC Compression Test Glenohumeral Pathology Posterior Apprehension Test Sulcus Sign Biceps Tendon Pathology Yergason’s Test Speed’s Test Rotator Cuff Pathology Drop Arm Test Neer Impingement Test Hawkins Shoulder Impingement Test Empty Can Test
Neurological Tests Upper Quarter Screen Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Adson’s Test Allen’s Test Military Brace
Critical Thinking A soccer player is tripped to the ground on a hard tackle and lands on the tip of her left shoulder. She complains of pain both in the tip of her shoulder and in her chest. She has difficulty lifting her arm above her shoulder because of pn. What injury diagnosis might result from this MOI?
Critical thinking A gymnast has a recurrent anterior dislocation of the GH jt. He is extremely worried that his shoulder will dislocate again. What types of activities should he concentrate on during rehab to help reduce the likelihood of a subsequent dislocation?
Choose an injury to research for the wrist/hand, elbow, shoulder For each injury have the history- how does the injury typically occur, how would they answer your questions Observations- what will you see and notice with this injury Palpations- what will you palpate through with this injury Special Test- what tests will you preform and what will test positive or negative