Welcome to the 2017-2018 School Year Sonoran Foothills
Open notes quiz tomorrow 15 Class Procedures Open notes quiz tomorrow
1. Form a line outside the door before entering
Taking notes Line up outside You don’t need to write every word when taking notes, only words necessary for remembering
2. Once you enter, take your seat immediately get out your materials to begin work Avoid coming in talking with the mindset of procrastinating work
3. Bring necessary supplies
4. Backpacks & Purses Backpack Purse 4. No Backpacks and purses on the floor. Get everything needed for class period out of back pack/purse and set pack in designated area. Keep aisles clear!!
This is not keeping the aisle clean! 4 a. Keep the aisles clean This is not keeping the aisle clean!
5. Food and drink are not allowed in the classroom. This includes gum
6. Got a question or comment? Raise your hand to ask or answer a question. Remember to be quiet while others are talking!!!
7. Sign out and in the class to use the bathroom. *1 person at a time No using the restroom the first or last 10 minutes of class
8. When you are finished with a quiz or test, please turn your paper over and place your pencil on it and quietly read your book **Getting up to turn in test sheets is not only distracting, but puts unnecessary anxiety on fellow students.
9. DO NOT TOSS things to each other or at the trash can.
10. Turning in work All work is due at the end of class unless specified. NEVER hand me your paper! The bins in back of class are for work completed in class or completed homework.
11. USE BLUE OR BLACK INK/LED ONLY No red, pink, purple, green pen. Do not write papers in highlighter.
12 –Exiting Class The teacher will dismiss the class Not The Bell. Do not pack books to exit class until instructed to do so by the teacher. Students are responsible for cleaning the area around their desks before leaving the room.
13. When you’re absent, it is your responsibility to…. Check board to see what you missed Check make-up work box Know if a quiz was announced Get study notes or check website for any upcoming quiz Set a time to make-up any test
14. It is your responsibility to make sure you make up any test 14. It is your responsibility to make sure you make up any test. NO TEST TAKING DURING LUNCH All assignments/tests must be completed in the appropriate time table as outlined in your student handbook and fall syllabus.
15. Cell Phone Use As a rule, there are no cellphones allowed in class unless they are being used for academic/educational purposes I must give you verbal permission to use your cell phones for class work/DO NOT GET OUT YOUR PHONE UNLESS I HAVE GIVEN PERMISSION AND THE EXPECTATION FOR USE IS UNDERSTOOD
DRESS CODE When you walk into the room, learning/safety should not be affected by your look (SWAG).
Class jobs Roll *Clean white boards *Books and folders collected and neatly stacked *Floors clean *Desks returned to the regular position Computers plugged in *Sub helper *Time keeper