Assistant Commissioner for Georgia’s Pre-K & Instructional Supports Pre-K Update Webinar May 20, 2015 Susan Adams Assistant Commissioner for Georgia’s Pre-K & Instructional Supports
Agenda CLASS Professional Development Special Allotment Funding FY2015 Close-Out Pre-K Application Updates FY15 Budget Updates and Pre-K Rates Professional Standards Commission Governor’s Education Reform Commission Questions
Pre-K CLASS Professional Development Evaluation Report Thanks to the participating Pre-K teachers for their participation in the professional development and data collection activities.
Background Efforts expanded in 2010 as part of Georgia's Race to the Top (RT3) initiative to improve early learning outcomes. Current study evaluated the impact of two professional development models on teacher-child interactions in Georgia’s Pre-K classrooms. Both models were developed by Teachstone and previously found to be effective by the CLASS authors. This is one of the first independent, rigorous evaluations. Executive Summary and Full Technical report are available.
Making the Most of Classroom Interactions (MMCI) Face-to-face, classroom-based 10 sessions, spread over 5 days Groups of 8-20 teachers met regularly with an instructor Groups learned to identify and analyze effective interactions in classrooms and discussed ways to interact intentionally to increase children’s learning Between sessions, teachers watched videos and practiced interactions in their classrooms Georgia’s Pre-K consultant were trained and supported by Teachstone to be MMCI instructors
My Teaching Partner One-to-one, remote coaching Standard cycle: Teachers submitted videos of themselves interacting with children Coaches reviewed videos and posted feedback and questions to website Teacher and coach held telephone call Coach sent summary of main topics and action plan to teacher Teachers also had access to online library Georgia’s Pre-K consultants were trained and supported by Teachstone to serve as MTP coaches
Conclusions Georgia’s Pre-K teachers benefited from and liked both the MMCI and MTP interventions. MMCI is a feasible intervention for large-scale adoption. Full evaluation report is available.
FY 15 CLASS Professional Development Based on the results of the Race to the Top Professional Development Pilot consultants delivered MMCI with onsite coaching Professional Learning Communities with coaching Pre/Post observations were conducted and will be analyzed by University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center FY16 Scale up the current models Add administrator training opportunities
FY15 Special Allotment Funding Class Level Funding Technology Allotment 105 classes $1,500 for new classrooms funded during the FY15 year 8 Year Refurbishment Allotment 170 classes $4000.00/classroom Special Allotment 3828 classes $2000.00/classroom Curriculum, Playground, Technology
FY 2015 Close Out Class Move Requests: Reconciliation Reports: Any requests to move classrooms must be received by June 12th to receive consideration Reconciliation Reports: Completed in PANDA Private programs due: August 30, 2015 Public programs due: September 30, 2015 No carryover of funds to FY 2016
Preparing Your Reconciliation Report Summer Transition Program Rising K: Reconciliation submitted through PANDA Rising Pre-K: Reconciliation submitted via paper Due Date is Aug 5, 2015 Pre-K Program Reporting Reminders Instructional Supplies and Materials Food costs Lead/Assistant Teachers Administrative Expenses Supporting documentation Special allotment funds received in 2015
Work Sampling Online Close Out Student data that must be kept for 3 years. Printed copy of narrative summary Printed copy of the Developmental Checklist Documentation of Family Conferences All documents must be downloaded and printed prior to June 30, 2015. Documents will not be available after June 30th. Questions: email
New and Expansion Classroom Funding Application Review In process Award Notification By July 1st Grant Agreements First week in July
FY16 FY16 Georgia’s Pre-K Operating Guidelines will be posted July 1, 2015 Student registration forms and information for the 2015-2016 school year are posted on the Pre-K Project Directors page:
Roster Upload Information Using Infinite Campus for BOE Programs New capability to create the roster template file from within Infinite Campus Should not download the roster template from the BFTS website The student data will be pre-populated Eliminate the need to manually type the student demographic data into multiple systems Edit/add Pre-K specific fields before uploading it once Roster 1 is open
FY16 Budget Updates 84,000 slots 180 days for children and 190 days for teachers No change in class size of 22 students 1% increase for lead and assistant teachers, included in the rates. Final Pre-K rates are posted on Program Updates webpage.
2015 - 2016 Days of Service 180 Instructional Days or equivalent hours 1170 hours of instruction No waivers for instructional hours 10 Teacher Professional Development/ Planning Days 3 days minimum Must request a waiver if operating less than 10 planning days Must meet lead and assistant teacher minimum salary Lead Teacher 90% minimum Assistant Teacher 100% For questions or to request a waiver for planning days, contact assigned consultant.
FY16 Budget Governor’s Recommendation
Lead Teacher Training New Lead Teacher- 2 days face to face Online Component Competency Quiz Returning Lead Teacher Second Year- 2 days face to face Returning Lead Teacher Third Year- 2 days face to face
Assistant Teacher Training New Assistant Teacher- 2 days face to face Online Component Competency Quiz Returning Assistant Teacher- 2 days face to face
Training Work Sampling Online (WSO) GELDS toolbox Monthly Webinars 1 day in computer lab GELDS toolbox incorporated into all face to face trainings Monthly Webinars Positive Behavior Intervention Supports GELDS Social-Emotional Development Setting up the Environment Building Community Building Relationships through Language
Director Training Directors- "Tools for Success" will focus on lesson planning and resources available to teachers WSO Administrator Training Regional Training Opportunities CLASS related training for administrators Offer regional training opportunities for administrators to participate in CLASS related training to increase feedback to teachers
Professional Standards Commission Understanding the 2014 Educator Certification Changes FAQ specific to Pre-K (July 1)
Recent Graduates Certificate of Eligibility Completion of all requirements for professional certification and applicable Special Georgia Requirements
Professional Certificates Renewable Must be employed by a Local Unit of Administration Completion of all requirements for professional certification and applicable Special Georgia Requirements Evaluated on the statewide evaluation system (TKES) Standard X Performance
Governor’s Education Reform Commission To the Education Reform Commission: Study and make recommendations focused on how our educational systems can more effectively prepare today and tomorrow’s students for success in postsecondary programs and the workforce. This kind of preparation will ensure Georgia remains the best place in the nation to live and raise a family. Georgia’s children, and their parents, are depending on their public education options to provide the kind of high-quality, world-class education that will accomplish this goal. Your responsibility is to think beyond the confines of the current system, to look into the future, and to recommend changes that will make that level of educational preparation more than just a dream in Georgia. Together we will make it a reality. I challenge you to think broadly, dream boldly, and act with vision and courage on behalf of our children’s future.
Governor’s Charge To the Early Childhood Education Subcommittee: Study and make recommendations for the expansion of early educational options, including expanding Pre-K in Georgia and increasing access to quality rated programs for all kids, from birth to age five. This will require addressing our current funding formula for Georgia Pre-K as well as considering innovative approaches for getting more children in high quality programs Recommendations must be made by August 1, 2015 so that a new Pre-K formula can be a part of my FY2017 budget proposal as well.
Goal of the Subcommittee Provide recommendations on ways to increase overall access to high quality early childhood programs for all Georgia's children. Objectives Identify strategies to expand Georgia’s Pre-K Program Identify strategies to expand Quality Rated, Georgia’s tiered quality rating and improvement system
Thank you for joining the webinar. Susan Adams Assistant Commissioner for Pre-K & Instructional Supports 404-651-7420