Public Relations How to “Spread the Word”
WHAT ARE OUR OBJECTIVES? What is Public Relations? How do we reach our audience? What is the role of the Post Public Relations Officer? What resources are available? What have we learned? The American Legion and to communicate your various messages to each of your many publics. Your primary responsibility now will be to alter or maintain the image of your Post and/or Based on your own view of what your image is, you can better focus your message(s) to achieve your goals, whether it is to garner support for a veterans issue or convince members to support a post function. Good public relations begins with the post commander establishing Policies and practices that are ethical, honest and in keeping with The public interest. for clarifying any misconceptions. Then the PR officer can take those policies and practices to the public for acclaim, understanding and if need be, Effective media relations means that you and the various media In your area have a good working relationship. As good citizens of your community, your post members should Ask to be represented at various civic functions or meetings. The American Legion
WHAT IS PUBLIC RELATIONS It is about IMAGE. In the corporate world it is commonly known as “Branding” What is the image of The American Legion in your community? How are you branded to your own members? The American Legion
WE MUST UNDERSTAND OUR AUDIENCE Internal: Our current and recently lapsed members. Why include our recently lapsed members? External: Everyone else. Is targeting everyone else reasonable? The American Legion
HOW DO WE REACH OUR TARGETS? Effective Internal Communications Post meetings, Newsletters, mailings, phone calls, personal visits, emails, websites, social media, marquee/signage. The American Legion
HOW DO WE REACH OUR TARGETS? (Cont.) Effective External Communication: Community Relations: Civic functions or meetings, community celebrations and festivals, youth sports opening/closing days. Never underestimate the impact of just being visible in your American Legion gear to your community. The American Legion
HOW DO WE REACH OUR TARGETS? (Cont.) Effective External Communication: Media Relations: Establishing and maintaining a close working relationship with the media. What are some of the challenges facing Posts in small communities? In large cities? The American Legion
WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE POST PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER? Counsel – What impact will Post decisions have on the community and the members Research - Identify and communicate information that will help the Post image Communications – Both internal & external Promotion - Create positive branding Advice and Counsel: The PR officer should advise post officers of the impact policy decisions will have on the media, on the community and on Members. Public Relations Research: who would help the post manage its affairs better. Identifying, evaluating and communicating information of events to the post leaders and members Communications Service: speeches, news media, good citizenship, examples and other means. The process of letting the members and the public know about events and policies via newsletters, Public Relations Promotion: Development and execution of a variety of programs and activities designed to gain acceptance for the post among members and within the community. The American Legion
WHAT RECOURCES ARE AVAILABLE? Ad slicks, clip art, message points, suggested speeches and letters to the editor are all available at: Public Relations Tool Kit – The Internet Your Members – “Ask the people who know” The American Legion
REVIEW Public Relations is about Branding. Each member communicates our image in the community… Positive or Negative. Effective Public Relations can greatly help. positively Brand your Post in your community. The role of a Public Relations Officer. Available Resources. The American Legion
QUESTIONS? THE END The American Legion
The End Original: 25 May 2016 Revised: The American Legion