History of Grief Bertha Brannen 2007
1950’s Death was mourned by the community Death was accepted as part of life, (Story Tante Deline) Wreath on house for “the world to see” Widow wore black for a year Wake held in the home Children part of the mourning
1960’s Shift to funeral homes Decreased exposure to viewing the person who had died Children shielded from death New “cures” in medicine, increase in antibiotics, hospital deliveries, medicare Elizabeth Kubler Ross
Today Medical breakthrough, cures, new hope Focus on youth, facelifts, botox Microwaves, drive through meals, quick fixes, instant gratification Parental (over)protection Live like there is no death Avoid the topic, out of sight, out of mind….don’t wanna face it
Judaism Most ancient religion Based on Obedience to the law: Orthodox (strict) & Conservative Believe in life continuing after death without eternal punishment Hope after death
Islam Muslim, major American religion Believe in one God Religion is lived total way if life Ramadan God will reward & punish according to deeds; heaven & hell
Other cultures Third world HIV, famine, wars; death is a daily event Zoroastrianism – one world’s (250,000) oldest religions, TO & Vancouver strong belief in afterlife “Death & Tower of Silence” Body left to nature; bleached bones only buried. Enter heaven clean; relatives pray person into heaven (3 days only to do so as soul travels) Moving time, celebration of moving to God
Hindu Spiritual & cultural movement, rather than one “founder” Believe in one God Believe in reincarnation until perfected to enter heaven
Buddhist Based on teachings of Buddha, born of a miraculous birth Spirit wanders 49 days after death to find “proper place.” Need for truth & honesty prior to death Do not “make a big thing” out of death Focus is on living
Native Spirituality More popular again today Culture hero intermediating with God Medicine man; spirit helper Rituals to maintain harmony with earth Death offers a continuation of life Universe is sacred (here) Give account of how gifts on earth were used Spirits can return to warn loved ones
References Dr Douglas Smith, Being a Wounded Healer Tom Harpur, Life After Death