Team Members: Timothy Myung Richard Vu Suren Abrahamyan Dave Edwards Leora Juster Jie Chen Faculty Advisor: Dr. Russell Abbott Liason: Dr. David Blekhman Graduate Advisor: Eric Liao
Agenda Introduction Demo System Architecture Communication with Car Challenges/Conclusion
EcoCar2 Competition Talk about brief overview of what CSULA did for the car Car has been shipped
Primary Objective Display Battery Current Signals Display Coolant Temperature Display State of Charge Secondary Objective Replace HVAC and Radio Controls Create a user-friendly GUI
Before After
System Architecture Qt Car View Controller Model Linux Kernel Simulator.cpp Diagnostics.qml ACWindow.qml Radio.qml Home.qml CAN-Calls.h Center Stack CAN-SEND.h CAN-RECEIVE.h Linux Kernel Freescale I.MX6 Board CAN BUS Car
CAN Bus Controller Area Network In-vehicle communication without the need for a host computer Standard for connecting ECUs Allows for electronic control of the vehicle
GMLAN CAN Bus GM High Speed CAN Bus (500 kb/s) Critical Systems Engine, Transmission, Battery, Anti-lock braking GM Low Speed CAN Bus (33.33 kb/s) Non-Critical Systems Power windows, Mirror adjustment, Audio system
Challenges/Conclusion Qt instead of initial web based framework Gained experience with integrating software with hardware Testing on the vehicle is very different than testing on a simulator There are performance differences when running on the board compared to running on personal computer