Liberal Arts Math Success: There’s an App for That! Danielle Truszkowski Assistant Professor of Mathematics Jesse Kiefner Assistant Professor of Mathematics
The Community College of Baltimore County Main Campuses Catonsville Dundalk Essex Extension Centers Randallstown Owings Mills Hunt Valley Serving approximately 70,000 students per year.
Math Offerings MATH 111 Liberal Arts Math MATH 081 MATH 073 MATH 125 Finite Math MATH 082 MATH 131 MATH 083 MATH 132 Teacher Ed. Math MATH 133 MATH 135 Applied Alg. & Trig. Math Offerings MATH 153 Statistics MATH 163 MATH 165 College Alg. Pre-Calc. Calculus
Course Content MATH 073: Intermediate Algebra with Applications Factoring Rationals Functions Radicals Quadratics Exponentials / Logarithms MATH 083: Intermediate Algebra Differences Factoring (a≠1, cubes) Rationals (Impacted by Factoring) Radicals (Imaginary Numbers) Exponentials / Logarithms (Power Property and Modeling)
Most of MATH 073 is Traditional Algebra Here are some questions from the final exam review:
Course Structure Four Interactive Labs (10% each) Midterm Exam (20%) MATH 073: Intermediate Algebra with Applications Four Interactive Labs (10% each) Midterm Exam (20%) Final Exam (20%) Quizzes (10%) Project (10%) 85.3% Success Rate MATH 083: Intermediate Algebra Proctored Assessments Determined by Instructor (85%) Cumulative Final Exam (30%) Traditional Lecture Format 51.3% Success Rate
What do Students Need for Liberal Arts Mathematics and Statistics? Solving multistep equations Using the slope-intercept form of a line Some mathematical sophistication and critical thinking skills The ability to synthesize information in projects completed outside of class
Lab 1 Within first 2 weeks Covers linear models (useful in Statistics) Students must consider the y-intercept in the context of an application Students must use slope and y-intercept Students must create and graph a linear model using two points
Lab 2 Uses a quadratic to model fluid flow from a two-liter bottle of water Nice break after factoring quadratics Students should bring in used two-liter bottles Technology integrated for take-home portion Students love this lab!
Lab 3 Exponential decay problem involving the environmental impact of tropical rainforest destruction Students create an exponential model and use it to predict the amount of rainforest remaining in the future Students use logarithms to solve exponential equations
Lab 4 Similar to Lab 2, students use a water flow experiment to test the validity of a rational equation that predicts the time required to drain a container Difficult logistically because students must fill the container and let water drain three times
New Lab 4: You Get to Do it
Finance Project Project requires students to estimate the future value of their retirement savings using the compound interest formula. Savings account (abysmally low interest rates and low returns) Dividend reinvestment (better returns) Various time periods of savings (incredible returns) Students choose their own stock or fund from a list Students estimate how much (eventually) they can save per month Students do the project entirely on their own
Smartphone Ownership and Usage: Ball State University Survey Ball State University surveys student body annually Smartphone ownership 27% of students at BSU in 2009 73% of students at BSU in 2013 Usage in 2013 Making online purchases (49%) Websites for entertainment purposes (52%) News (61%) Weather (87%) Search Engines (57%) Phone Calls (89% in 2009 versus 51% in 2013) Marketing on smartphones Annoyed by marketing on smartphones (68% in 2012 versus 83% in 2013)
Smartphone Ownership and Usage: Pew Research Center Survey Surveyed over 2,000 adults (18+) in March/April 2012 Of all cell phone users, percentages reporting using them for the given activity at least once in the past 30 days: Coordinate a meeting or get-together - 41% Solve an unexpected problem that they or someone else had encountered - 35% Decide whether to visit a business, such as a restaurant - 30% Find information to help settle an argument they were having - 27% Look up a score of a sporting event - 23% Get up-to-the-minute traffic or public transit information to find the fastest way to get somewhere - 20% Get help in an emergency situation - 19%
Smartphone Ownership and Usage: The Community College of Baltimore County Surveyed three class sections Introductory Algebra Intermediate Algebra Ideas in Mathematics 52 students included in survey 42 reported owning a smartphone (≈ 81%) 9 reported owning another type of phone (≈ 17%) 1 reported not owning any type of cell phone (≈ 2%) 42 students with smartphones 29 reported owning an Android smartphone (≈ 69%) 13 reported owning an iPhone (≈ 31%)
$9.99 per month or $99 one-time fee Designing a Mobile App “Free” $39.99 per month $9.99 per month or $99 one-time fee $9 - $490 per month $499, $899, or $1299 one-time fee
Designing a Mobile App Select a Template Edit Template and Add “Buttons” as Needed Submit to AppsBar for Preliminary Approval Edit as Needed Submit for Publishing to Markets
App on Android
App on iPhone QR Code
Other Mobile Apps for Classroom Use For Lab 2 (Quadratic Model): Curve Fitter For New Lab 4 (Puzzles): Jigsaw Puzzle For Graphing: QuickGraph, Desmos
Future of MATH 073 Offering Accelerated Course Options with Statistics and Finite Mathematics Achieving the Dream Baltimore, MD February 18, 2015 Acceleration in Dev. Ed. Conference Costa Mesa, CA June 24, 2015
Contact Us! Danielle Truszkowski Jesse Kiefner 443-840-1528 443-840-3737