Basic Concept of a project Dr.D.K.Modi Principal JNV, Tenughat, Bokaro Q. What is a Project? An oxford dictionary says “ Project” is a plan or scheme or undertaking. A task set as an educational exercise that requires students to do their own research and present the result. According to Kilpatrick “A project is a whole hearted, purposeful activity carried on preferably in its natural setting. But Ballard has described the project as “A bit of real life that has been imparted into the school.
Producers Project: A project in which learner produces something is Types of Project Producers Project: A project in which learner produces something is known as producer’s project. Example: - making a toy, assembling a working model of a scientific instrument or even forming an association, a football club. Consumer’s project: - Consumer’s project, as the name indicates, some sort of learning in which consumption of already existing things is required. Example: - to appropriate and analyze a piece of poetry, to enjoy and categorize a musical composition, to perform an experiment with the help of an instruments and analyze the result. Problem Project: - Project in which we solve problems or an intellectual difficulty is called problems project. Scientific Learning project: - The project in which students purpose is to make himself perfect in some skills like addition, pronunciation, car driving, learning music or dance are special learning projected.
Reporting of project 1. Title 2. Introduction or background information 3. Objective 4. Material required 5. Procedure 6. Observation 7. Conclusion 8. References
Evaluation of a project 1. Selection and planning of the project 2. Execution of the work-Sincerity and labors put in by children. 3. Observation, in the preparation, keenness and reasoning. 4. Presentation of project report 5. Conclusion 6. Reference.
Characteristics of a good project A good project should result in some learning outcome consisting with the objective of teaching-learning. It should suit the age and mantel level of the pupils so that it can be understood & completed by the pupil or group of pupils with a minimum of help from parents or teachers. But we should not eliminate teachers guidance altogether. A good project if properly executed should result in following 1. Self study 2. Original thoughts 3. Proper reading habit 4. Power of observation 5. Sprit of enquiry 6. Power of reasoning 7. Scientific tempers 8. Creativity
Example of good project: - Creative writing, stories, poems, reporting, essays Sample interrogatory project. Innovation • Improvisation
Teacher has to take the following action: - Role of the Teacher The teacher has a crucial role to play, right from the selection of a project to its completion and reporting. Teacher has to take the following action: - 1. He has to motivate his students and arouse their curiosity to look around. 2. He has to do some real thinking at this stage and also consult references to guide his students. 3. During the course of project teacher will have a close watch so that he can guide his pupil when they get stuck up. 4. He should also guard and caution his students against accident and Hazards. 5. He will allow his students to take their own course and discover their own mistakes through trial and error. 6. He will arrange situations, which will be conductive to the students for self-education. 7. He should have time and patience and has to be creative and resourceful in building up situations. 8. Teacher has a judicious role to play in purposing, planning, executing and judging of the project.
Student Role: - 1. Students should be honest and truthful in recording of observations. 2. Students have to bear in mind that it is his responsibility to complete the project and not that of teacher. He should never expect the teacher or any other person to do work. 3. He should remember that the result of the investigation is not so important, what matters is how independently he has conducted the investigation and how well he has done it.
1. Wild Life in any Country Project: - 1. Wild Life in any Country 1. Visit the near by Zoo and make a list of animals found in our Country. 2. Go to Library and read more about these animals. 3. Also find out where wild Life Sanctuaries have been established. 4. Make a list of all the Sanctuaries and show them on a map of India. 5. Make a list of important animals that are found in various Sanctuaries. If possible visit a Sanctuary. 6. Identify the causes of extinction of wild animals. 7. Prepare a report and illustrate it with pictures of animals.
Project: - 2. The Lion · Visit a local Zoo. 2. The Lion · Visit a local Zoo. · Observe and study a Lion. · Read more about lions in the Library and collect interesting facts about the Indian Lion and African Lion. Such as: - Height, length, weight etc. - Span of Life - Food habits and methods adopted for praying - Habitat - Compare between Indian and African Lion - Show the location of Gir Sanctuary where Indian Lion is found - Identify the causes of their extinction - Collect pictures or take photographs - Prepare a report.
Project: - 3. Local Industry Visit a local industry. Observation and study how things are made. Identify the various stages of production. Process used in each stages Collect information about the factory and its production, raw material used List its main departments Take photograph & prepare a report.
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