Structured Dialogue – Part 1 Nicola Hudson – Supporters Direct Deborah Dilworth - Supporters Direct Michael Brunskill – Football Supporters Federation Dan Crawford – Fulham Supporters Trust
Background 2012 - commitment by the Football Authorities “Clubs will be required under league regulation to set out in a structured format the ways in which they will consult & engage with different supporter interests & groups.” 2014 - the Government launched an Expert Working Group (EWG) on issues relating to Supporter Ownership and Engagement 2016 – EWG report put forward a series of recommendations in relation to structured dialogue that were endorsed by the PL, EFL & FA
What the EWG report said
“Clubs will meet with a representative group of supporters at least twice a year to discuss major issues”
“The Leagues will recommend that this representative group of supporters includes the club's Supporters Trust”
“The Leagues will advise clubs that no individuals should be excluded from the meetings without good reason”
“If attendances at these meetings is restricted to a small group of supporters – which is the preference of SD/FSF – a significant proportion of this representative group of supporters should be elected, selected or invited to these meetings in line with basic democratic principles.”
“Senior representatives from the clubs – either club owners / directors and/or senior executive management should represent the club at these meetings.”
“Whilst SD and FSF believe these meetings would be most productive with a tighter, independently democratically elected representative group of supporters with an interest in strategic and governance issues, the PL and FL support clubs having the flexibility to invite a broad and open group of supporters.”
“Each of the Leagues will provide a template to clubs outlining the minimum level of information which should be shared at these meetings.”
“Although the focus of these meetings will be on strategic and major issues, all parties will be able to table additional topics where relevant and timely, to ensure that the issues which matter to supporters and clubs are discussed”
“Building trusted partnerships can be a step towards a sensible, managed exit route by owners who intend to sell, and giving supporters a transparent and visible view of the strategic direction of a club, is a good backdrop for dialogue on potential supporter ownership/ investment opportunities.”
“The Leagues will oversee these commitments and, if needed, clarify them in their rule books and will take into account any feedback received from SD and the FSF on the effectiveness of this approach.”
“The Group would recommend that any substantial changes to club colours or crest are discussed as part of the structured dialogue.”
Follow Up Work - Guidance to accompany the rule changes from PL/EFL to clubs - Lobby for appropriate disclosure of information - Regular consultation whether Structured Dialogue is working - Regular meetings with PL/EFL to feedback good/bad practice - Regular meetings with Sports Minister to update on progress - Ensure commitment from National League for 2017/18
Deborah Dilworth – Supporters Direct EFL Network Manager English Football League Deborah Dilworth – Supporters Direct EFL Network Manager
The English Football League On the 9th June the clubs agreed the following for their 2016/17 rulebook: 111 Clubs shall hold at least two meetings/fans forums per Season to which its supporters (or representatives) are to be invited in order to discuss significant issues relating to the Club. The framework for these meetings shall be documented in the Club’s customer charter, but are subject to the following minimum criteria: 111.1 Clubs must be represented by the Club’s majority owner, board director(s) or other senior executive(s); 111.2 where meetings are not open to all supporters wishing to attend, the supporter representatives must be elected, selected or invited in line with basic democratic principles; and 111.3 individuals cannot be excluded by the Club without good reason (the Club acting reasonably).
EFL Trusts: Where we are now? AUGUST 2017 SD/FSF will report back to the EFL regarding the findings of the end of season survey to see how to progress in the 2017/18 season. JULY 2016 EFL commit to and introduce Structured Dialogue Rules MARCH - JUNE 2017 SD/FSF hold a number of meetings with the EFL to discuss structured dialogue. The EFL are asking clubs to report back on this matter. JULY 2017 SD/FSF are about to launch an end of season survey on structured dialogue OCTOBER 2016 SD survey members to discover how the new rules are shaping up.
Mid Season Survey EFL: Some Findings 37% 47% 38% of supporters feel clubs exceeded meeting with a representative group of supporters (which includes the Supporters Trust) at least twice a year to discuss major issues. 47% of supporters felt clubs meetings are the right size for a constructive discussion. 38% of supporters felt No individuals are excluded from these meetings without good reason.
Mid Season Survey EFL: Some Findings 39% 35% 50% of supporters felt the meetings are with senior representatives - either owners, directors and/or senior executives from the club. 35% of supporters felt The focus of these meetings is on major strategic issues. 50% of supporters felt that supporters had the ability to add any topics to the agenda they would like to discuss.
Mid Season Survey EFL Results: The Wish List 63% of supporters would like a Supporter Director (s) representing the Supporters Trust on the football club Board. 69% of supporters would like A legal agreement which provides the Supporters Trust with protective rights/commitment to consultation with the club (e.g. a shareholders agreement) . 72% of supporters would like A voluntary agreement between the Supporters Trust and the club which commits the club to consult with the Trust on major strategic issues (e.g. a Memo of Understanding).
The good, the ok and the bad Relationships with high profile figures at the club Monthly meetings with the club directors Reciprocal working relationship The OK – Building up on trust with meetings starting Meeting are with a smaller group Nothing more serious being discussed in meeting Reason we are meeting the minister is to help clubs understand what best practice in. The Bad – No meetings at all Meetings set up but as a town hall style meeting Meetings with mostly hand-picked yes people, supportive of the owners Leaders not attending No information
The Next Steps SD and FSF have now sent the end of season review survey out so please check your emails and get filling it in so we have your thoughts. Reason we are meeting the minister is to help clubs understand what best practice in. We are also talking to the EFL about compliance issues and we are organising a meeting with the EFL to discuss.
Nicola Hudson – Supporters Direct National Game Network Manager National League & below Nicola Hudson – Supporters Direct National Game Network Manager
“The Premier League and Football League will lead with the new structured dialogue model. The proposed new Licensing System for the National Leagues will be reviewed to ensure that due consideration is given to structured dialogue and engagement when licensing clubs to operate in the National Leagues”
Where we are now? We know that there are good examples of supporter engagement within the National League Structure, and we believe the Government recommendations on structured dialogue provide a foundation to clarify just what is expected and needed for the clubs to develop and grow a positive relationship with their supporters and community.
SD Proposal Trial pilot season 2017/18 3 clubs from National League 3 clubs from National League North 3 clubs from National League South Ongoing consultation with clubs & supporters Work with NL to tailor best practice Implement commitment for all clubs 2018/19
Meeting Structure Number & Size of Meetings Club representation Agenda and topics Minutes/written versions of the meeting Confidentiality
Agendas & Topics Financial performance A commitment to discuss headline income and expenditure figures for the club, ongoing funding and any legacy issues. Disclosure of Information/Transparency A Commitment to share adequate information both before and during the meeting to make the meetings effective and worthwhile. Ownership An opportunity to discuss the existing ownership structure and to discuss future plans.