GroupWise E-Mail & Archiving
What is GroupWise? A tool for communication in our organization A system to send and receive email A way to increase productivity A method to get documents or other important materials to someone quickly and efficiently.
What GroupWise IS NOT A file storage system Completely encrypted and secure A way to communicate patient or other sensitive information
Making GroupWise Work! There are some good ways to keep your mail organized and easy to manage
Mailbox Maintenance One of the ongoing issues that contributes to performance of our GroupWise system is the size of the mailboxes contained within it. Messages in your Mailbox, Sent Items, Cabinet Folders, Calendar, and Trash count towards your mailbox size. Mailboxes have been increasing in size and puts a strain on our system, backups and storage. Biggest Space Hogs : Attachments and Sent items
Mailbox Maintenance What is IT doing? Trash is automatically deleted after 7 days Archiving mailboxes What can you do? Organize your inbox using cabinet folders, categories, changing subject lines etc. Keep and save the stuff you need (including attachments) Delete the stuff you don’t
Mailbox Maintenance Using Your Cabinet Use your cabinet to keep and organize important email Create folders in your cabinet to sort everything But remember, even though it’s not in your inbox folder, it’s still in your mailbox… Even the cabinet is not a permanent storage solution
Using Categories to Organize Items Mailbox Maintenance Using Categories to Organize Items Categories provide you with a way to organize your items. You can assign a category to any item, including contacts. You create and add categories and can give each category an identifying color. The colors display in the Item List and in the Calendar. If you assign one of the default categories (Follow-Up, Low Priority, Personal, and Urgent) to an item you are sending, the item arrives in the recipient’s Mailbox with that category assigned. If you assign a category that you created to an item you are sending, the item arrives in the recipient’s Mailbox with no category assigned.
Changing the Subject of an Item You’ve Received Mailbox Maintenance Changing the Subject of an Item You’ve Received Open an item from your Mailbox or Calendar. Click the Personalize tab. Type a new subject in the My Subject field
How to Save Your GroupWise Emails Mailbox Maintenance How to Save Your GroupWise Emails Open the email and highlight the text you intend to save.
Right-click and select “copy” (or press <ctrl> + “c”).
Open Microsoft Word and right-click anywhere in the new document and select “paste” (or press <ctrl> + “v”). Save.
Save the Email to Your File System From the main GroupWise window select the email you intend to save (but do not open it), click “File” in the top-left corner and select “Save As…”
A new window entitled “Save” will open. The first section will be named “Items to save”. Locate and click on the name of the email within this section. (Do not select the item labeled “+ HTML Message”.) The file name will then populate in the “Save file as” field.
It is recommended that the “Saved message format” remain set as “Rich Text (RTF)”. This format is compatible with Microsoft Word software.
Next, draw your attention to the last field in the window entitled “Current directory”. This is where the email will be saved. To change the location click “Browse…” and select the desired destination.
Alternatively, if you intend to save the email to your “My Documents” folder, erase the default path in the “Current directory” field and type “H:\” [without quotations] in its place. This will point directly to your “My Documents” folder
Click “Save”. Note that the email you selected in the “Items to save” section now has “… Saved” displayed next to it.
Save Files and Attachments There are 3 ways you can save files and attachments: Method 1: Open the email, right-click the attachment icon, select “Save As…”:
Select the location in which you intend to save the file and click “Save”. By default, it will save in “My Documents” located in your home directory (also called your “H-drive”):
Alternatively, you can choose another location in which to save the attachment. Click the drop-down arrow beside the “Save in” field and select the desired location:
Method 2: Open the email containing the attachment you intend to save. Concurrently, open an Explorer window and browse to the location you choose to store the file. For purposes of this demonstration we will use the “My Documents” folder:
Click and drag the attachment icon to the Explorer window location and drop: Please note that if the icon is dropped on a folder instead of a blank area, the file will then reside in that folder.
Method 3: From the main GroupWise window click on the email containing the attachment which you intend to save. (Do not open the email, just click on it once to select it.) Click on “File” in the top-left corner of the GroupWise window. Then select “Save As”:
A new window entitled “Save” will open. The first section will be named “Items to save”. Locate and click on the attachment within this section. It will be displayed in the following format: “Attachment: [attachment file name]”.
Next, draw your attention to the last field in the window entitled “Current directory”. This is where the attachment will be saved. To change the location click “Browse…” and select the desired destination.
Alternatively, if you intend to save the attachment to your “My Documents” folder, erase the default path in the “Current directory” field and type “H:\” [without quotations] in its place. This will point directly to your “My Documents” folder
Click “Save”. Note that the attachment you selected in the “Items to save” section now has “… Saved” displayed next to it.
Email Archiving The purpose of email archiving is two-fold; To reduce storage needs for the main GroupWise system by moving messages into a less expensive deep archive system. To make messages available in the event of the need for “legal discovery”. The published “deep” archive is can be accessed through GroupWise Web Access or through a folder set up in your GroupWise Client Note: All contents of the inbox, cabinets, send items, trash, and calendar will be archived!!
Terminology Native Archive A feature of the client software that allows you to store and manage messages outside of your live mailbox while using the familiar GroupWise user interface. Publishing The process of ‘copying’ mail content into the deep archive Deep Archive Published XML archive, contains combination of Native archives and live Mailbox XML XML is a read only format of displaying information. It is viewable through web browsers.
Sequence of events 1) Completed – Publish Native Archives As of January 1, 2015, ONLY items in the GroupWise native archives from January 2010 – present day are published to the Deep Archive. Any item older than January 1, 2010 will not be published and will not be accessible in the deep archive. It is suggested users with items in the native archive and/or live mailbox older than January 1, 2010 either print or save the items that they require. Users will no longer have access to the Native Archives after July 31, 2015 *Note if users do not have a Native Archive, it will not be published.
Sequence of events 2) Ongoing - Publishing of Live Mailbox All contents of the live mailbox, including inbox, cabinets, sent items, trash, and calendar are published to the deep archive. Any items before 2010 will NOT be published and must be saved if they are needed! The deep archive will contain items from the native archive plus all items in the live mailbox from 2010 to present day. The live mailbox will continue to be published to the deep archive on a regular basis. The Deep Archive will eventually be pared down to contain 1 year of archived data and 1 year of live data (2018)
Sequence of events 3) Next STEP – Retention and Reducing the Live Mailboxes IT will be enforcing 100 % Retention ! This means that NOTHING in the live mailbox can be deleted (removed from Trash) until it has been published! 100% Retention will commence April 1, 2015. The GroupWise Live mailbox will then be reduced to contain one (1) year of data at all times. The live mailbox will be pared down as of July 31, 2015. Items that have NOT been published cannot be purged from the system until they have been published (this includes trash items as well). This will guarantee 100% retention for legal discovery
Deep Archive Contents Timeline The Deep archives will be reduced on January 1 of the current year * * Once the mailbox has been reduced
How to Access Your Deep Archive ? 1) Using GroupWise Webaccess
How to access the Deep Archive 2) Using GroupWise using Netmail Search Instructions on how to set up a folder in GroupWise to use Netmail Search will be provided on the iNtranet. This will allow direct access to the Netmail Search login page, used to search the Deep Archive, from within the GroupWise client. To use Netmail Search, users will need to authenticate using their Novell credentials before access is granted.
Where we are? Native Archives from 2010 -present day have been published Live Mailbox from 2010-present day has been published Weekly mailbox publishing of all accounts ongoing NEXT STEPS What are users responsible for? Print or save anything older than 2010 from their Native Archives and Live Mailboxes that they need before July 31, 2015. Setting up the Netmail Search folder in GroupWise if they desire to do so Performing regular mailbox maintenance! ALL items as of April 1, 2015 will be published regardless if they are in the clean those mailboxes!
Important Dates To Remember!! All items will comply with 100% retention beginning April 1, 2015 GroupWise Native archives will be turned off July 31, 2015 Mailboxes will be pared down to hold one year of email beginning July 31, 2015