styles Strategies/ Methods Approaches Introduction of research of data collection instruments of data collection to data analysis compiled by Anna Bączkowska
Styles of educational research Naturalistic and ethnographic Historical and documentary Surveys, longitudinal, cross-sectional and trend studies Internet-based and computer use Case studies Experiments, quasi-experiments, single case research Action research compiled by Anna Bączkowska
Strategies for data collection Questionnaires Interviews Accounts Observation Tests Personal constructs compiled by Anna Bączkowska
Approaches to data analysis Qualitative Quantitative Content analysis compiled by Anna Bączkowska
Naturalistic and ethnographic style Tries to answer three questions: What are the characteristics of a social phenomena? What are the causes of the social phenomena? What are the consequences of the social phenomena? compiled by Anna Bączkowska
Naturalistic and ethnographic style 2 Is concerned with Description (rather than prediction) Induction Generation (rather than verification) Construction (rather than enumeration) Subjectivities compiled by Anna Bączkowska
Naturalistic and ethnographic style 3 Main kinds of naturalistic inquiry Case study Comparative studies Retrospective studies Longitudinal studies Ethnography (portrayal and explanation of social groups in real-life context) Biography compiled by Anna Bączkowska
Naturalistic and ethnographic style 4 Main methods (data collection) Participant observation Interviews and conversations Documents and field notes Accounts Notes and memos compiled by Anna Bączkowska
Historical and documentary Definition ”Systematic and objective location, evaluation and syntheis of evidence in order to establish facts and draw conclusions abut past events” (p. 191) compiled by Anna Bączkowska
Historical and documentary 2 Tries to answer the questions: Where do the events take place? Who are the people involved? When do the events occur? What kinds of human activity are involved? compiled by Anna Bączkowska
Historical and documentary 3 Data collection PRIMARY SOURCES (original ) Relics of a period (fossils, weapons, skeletons, coins, etc.) Manuscrips, charters, laws, files, biography, newspapers, films, transcriptins, wills, etc. SECONDARY SOURCES - textbooks, encyclopedias, quoted materials, compiled by Anna Bączkowska
Bibliography Cohen, L, L. Manion, and K. Morrison. 2007. Research Methods in Education, sixth edition, Routledge. compiled by Anna Bączkowska