Welcome to your library
Sydney Jones Library The Sydney Jones Library This is the Sydney Jones Library Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law Don’t forget that this library has a Starbucks café
Researcher Reading Room A space just for researchers in the Sydney Jones Library Swipe card access: register your card Location of PGR Reception this afternoon
Harold Cohen Library This is the Harold Cohen Library. Health & Life Sciences, Medicine, Engineering & Computer Science, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences Mention how this library was refurbished a couple of years ago and is continually being upgraded, with an additional group study area on Floor 2 in recent months and is consequently very lovely.
*During the Academic year
How many books can I borrow? As many as you like! PGR – as many books as you like for one year or until account expires.
How do I borrow books?
Can’t find the book you need? Well try to buy them for you Contact your Liaison Librarian –details on the library website Article Reach – free inter-library loans service for electronic journal articles Inter-Library Loan – via the British Library More information at https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/library/
But the library is more than just a building But the library is more than just a building. You don’t even need to come in to the library to use our online books and journals which means that wherever you choose to study the library is available to you. Use your username and password to access Library resources wherever you are. Use Library Online (rather than Electronic Library) Library Online
Our Library Website! This is where you can find all of the resources relevant to you. You can search the library catalogue, find additional resources for your subject and get in touch with us if you need more help. As you can see the Live Chat button is on the left.
Get more in depth subject help The best place to go for more subject help is libguides. There is one for each subject gathering together all the resources relevant to you. There are also guides to referencing and reading lists and the Library Quickstart guide which you will also find useful. Note – edit with your own libguides
Develop your skills Topics include: Open Access Research Data Management Copyright Managing your researcher identity Find out more at http://libguides.liverpool.ac.uk/pgr Reference management software drop-in workshops One-to-one appointments with your Liaison Librarian
Liverpool Elements Central database of staff research outputs Depositing your thesis electronically Make your work more visible Think about how your research can make an impact Guidance on copyright Advice on Open Access and related issues See https://elements.liverpool.ac.uk/ Contact Martin Wolf, Research Support Lead Martin.Wolf@liv.ac.uk or the Repository Team irhelp@liv.ac.uk
Special Collections & Archives Research collections of local, national & international significance Collections include: medieval and Renaissance manuscripts modern literary papers books printed from 1465 onwards University archive Cunard archive personal papers & subject collections Science Fiction Foundation & associated archives modern literary papers (e.g. Liverpool Poets, John Wyndham) books printed from 1465 onwards (c.70,000) – subjects include history, travel, politics, law, medicine, science, mathematics & children’s literature personal papers (e.g. Rathbone family, Josephine Butler, David Owen) subject collections (the Gypsy Lore Society, Spanish civil war)
Manuscripts: medieval & modern 15th Book of Hours Archive of Adrian Henri (1957-83)
University Archive Rag Week, January 1936 Appeal poster, 1920
Science Fiction collections Science Fiction Foundation collection Manuscript of Day of the Triffids – John Wyndham Archive
Reading Room & Enquiries Ground floor, Grove Wing, Sydney Jones Library Phone or email scastaff@liverpool.ac.uk to make an appointment 24 hrs notice preferred Material fetched in advance Open Mon-Fri, 9.30-4.45 Copying & scanning service Use of own camera permitted Enquiry service
How do I find out more? liv.ac.uk.libanswers.com @LivUniLibrary You can contact us in many different ways. If you have a detailed question use libanswers. If you just want to chat you can contact us on Twitter. livunilibrary