Les Bandes-Dessinées Todays objective: To create our own comic strips.
Les Bandes-dessinées or les BD are cartoon strips. These are extremely popular in France. It is considered an art form and is highly respected. In 2007, 33.6 million cartoon strip albums were sold. Les Bandes-Dessinées
Do you recognise these BD characters?
Astérix et Obélix Astérix and Obélix are French BD characters that have been around since There have been 39 albums (books), 39 computer games and 11 films about them. They also have their own theme park near Paris, France.
Tintin et Milou Tintin and Milou (Snowy in English) are Belgian BD characters that were first drawn in There have been 24 albums (books), 6 cartoon TV series and Steven Spielberg is making a film about them which is scheduled for release in 2011.
Les Schtroumpfs (The Smurfs) Les Schtroumpfs (The Smurfs in English) are Belgian BD characters that were first appeared in There have been 63 albums (books), 10 films, many TV series and a new film will be released in 2011 with Katy Perry providing one of the voices.
Les BD So far, this year we have learnt how to: Ask someones name Ask how old someone is Ask how someone is doing. Your challenge is to create your own BD using this information. Use your notes and a dictionary to help you.
Remember: People who are Level 3, use a dictionary or their books to help them. Use a pencil and a ruler to draw the lines. The best BD are colourful. The best work will be displayed on the walls.
Useful vocabulary BonjourGood day BonsoirGood evening Bonne nuitGood night SalutHi / bye Au revoirGoodbye Comment tu tappelles?What is your name? je mappelle…My name is… Quel âge as-tu?How old are you? jai … ansIm … years old. Ça-va?How are you? Ça-va très bienIm very good Ça-va bienIm good Ça-vapasIm not so good Ça-va pas du toutIm not good at all.
Les Bandes-Dessinées Todays objective: To create our own comic strips.
Which skills have we used today? Communication Skills Thinking Skills ICT Skills Numeracy Skills Social Skills