PRESENTATION OF POSSIBILITIES OF THE IPS PRESSING UNIT CONTROL SYSTEM Inteligent Pressing System HYDRAULIC PISTON-CYLINDER PRESSING UNIT IPS is designed for fruit and vegetable juice processing. Both the robust construction and the application of the high quality components guarantee the best performance and maximum yield.
Technological layout of the pressing unit with control functions Intuitive and easy operation Automatic operation of the pressing unit Self-optimizing process control system depending on the pulp quality All the necessary data on one screen Quick access to key parameters of the pressing unit operation High resolution touch screen
User accounts defined by the client It is possible to configure users by their surnames and assigning them appropriate authorizations. It guarantees production safety and prevents unauthorized persons from accessing the functions of control system which are significant for the production process. Information on the activities carried out in the pressing unit and the production history are archived together with the account name of the logged user.
Recording of control activities The system records every activity, together with its date, time and user’s login. It facilitates identification of all the changes made in the pressing unit’s operation process.
Predefined production recipes The system has got production recipes for different fruit and vegetables defined. The database of recipes is divided into: - non-editable (default) provided by B&P Engineering - editable User’s recipes The operator with appropriate level of authorization has the possibility of editing the recipes.
Cleaning according to the recipes Cleaning of the pressing unit can take place according to the defined recipes or according to the parameters entered by the operator. A possibility of repeating particular stages has been introduced in order to improve the effectiveness of cleaning of e.g. at dried-up drain without using excessive amount of chemical agents. Cleaning was divided into particular stages presented on the screen, with the possibility of quick edition of the parameters. There is the possibility of cleaning the juice line when emptying the pressing unit of the cleaning medium.
Service inspections with automatic display of the activity description The control system informs about the necessity of carrying out preventive maintenance, servicing activities and requires confirmation of their performance.
Simple, animated hydraulic’s diagram Information presented on the animated diagram of the IPS pressing unit’s hydraulic system allows instantly diagnosing some of potential error of the system and quickly carrying out maintenance activities, keeping the downtime of the device as short as possible.
Simple and intuitive control In order to ensure the easiest possible operation, control of the pressing unit was divided into the following stages: • Filling • Pressing • Extraction • Discharge of pomace Operation of the interface takes place through big buttons on the touch screen that facilitate operator’s work when entering the data.
Functions enabling non-standard operations without tampering with the recipe - no need to leave the main page The control system allows the experienced operator to adjust the process parameters in order to level the results of the arisen anomalies in the pulp feed or to plan the end of production without changing the contents of the recipe.
Easy access to entries in the production history Analysis of the archive parameters of the pressing unit’s operation enables constant improvement of the efficiency of subsequent production batches.
Automatic sending of e-mail messages according to the defined events The person supervising the work of operators can receive to the given address e-mail alerts regarding the events connected with the current operation of the pressing unit and the state of completion of maintenance activities. Example of the alert contents: Notification from IPS1000 pressing unit Station no. 1: on 2017-06-26 at 13:43 a batch with too low yield, amounting to 81,3%, was reported. Recipe: Apple1 – database of user’s recipes Operator: Jan Nowak
The possibility of selecting different juice line for particular pressing stages The IPS pressing unit control system makes it possible to change the juice line after reaching a specified % of yield. It allows to separate better quality juice to a different tank.
The amount of water for extraction expressed in % – stabilization of Brix pomace The system allows maximizing the efficiency of the pomace extraction stage due to the possibility of giving in percentage the amount of the water used compared to the amount of the pressings. The Brix level of pomace has been stabilized in this way and it does not depend so significantly on the homogeneity of the pulp. zmiana
Handy user’s guide The operator receives a clear instruction manual of the pressing unit in paper and electronic version. The electronic version is available in the operator’s panel. It enables the operator to access it quickly when carrying out the maintenance activities. B&P Engineering specialists are always available via the phone providing 24- hour support and immediate reaction if the situation requires it.
Main advantages of the IPS pressing units High efficiency and yield Easy to operate Robust and reliable construction Self optimizing process control system Detailed and easy to use reports from the operation of the pressing unit Components by leading global manufacturers