Market Research for Universities June 2009 Market Research for Universities
Mandate of Committee: To examine, with a goal to improve, the University’s Media, Communications, Government and Community Relations, considering all stakeholders, both internal and external.
Structure of Committee: Internal: President of University VP University Relations VP Advancement (donor relations) Director Government Relations Director Public Affairs and Media Relations Associate VP Students and International Board of Governor Members Faculty External: Public Relations Market Research Media
Key Challenges: University is complex and decentralized Messaging not disciplined or consistent Many ‘experts’ Competing interests/focus (students, donors, gov’t, etc.)
Key Goals: Simplify messages Prioritize messages (relevant, unique, true) Create a BRAND for SFU
Key Steps: Identify and prioritize key stakeholders Conduct market research to establish baseline among key stakeholders for future tracking and to assist in determining key messages
Research objectives to determine: Perceptions of SFU and competitors Key drivers of SFU’s overall reputation Key decision criteria in university choices and specifically SFU Key source of information about universities (‘influencers’) Language used by key audiences Key messages that are relevant, different and persuasive Establish a benchmark by which to evaluate SFU’s success in achieving its communication goals
Stakeholders Applicants Undergraduate students (SFU and others) Parents Community opinion leaders (business owners, executives, influential citizens, etc.) General public Primary market: BC Secondary: Rest of Canada
Methodology Input sessions with internal stakeholders, board members and committee members Focus groups with all key stakeholders and in-depth interviews with opinion leaders On-line surveys with all other groups
Outcomes: How SFU is perceived and is unique What elements contributed to SFU overall reputation (drivers) Gaps in what stakeholder want and what SFU delivers (restrainers) Misperceptions or lack of awareness What information or messages most resonated and would be most persuasive at encouraging support of SFU Where needs differed by stakeholder group Recommendation for staff to prepare an integrated communications plan to execute and coordinate marketing and operations
Thank you! Any Questions?