The MRBA - The Market Research Industry’s Charity - The Market Research Benevolent Association (MRBA) was established in 1977 An independent charity, the MRBA provides grants and interest free loans for people who are in extreme financial distress in complete confidentiality Run by volunteers from the market research industry Funded entirely by individuals and market research-related organisations subscriptions from Individual MRBA Friends, and Corporate Patrons & Corporate Friends fund raising events and activities, including: MRBA Week MRBA online auction One-off donations MRBA May 2017
Who is Eligible To Apply for Help? Anyone who works or has worked in the market research industry for at least two years This includes interviewers and recruiters researchers office-based staff clients and consultants Membership of the MRBA (or MRS) is not required MRBA May 2017
Remember The MRBA is Here to Help If you, an immediate family member, or someone you know is in severe financial difficulty, the MRBA may be able to help This could be due to illness injury or accident bereavement carer responsibility or other personal problems Whatever the cause, the MRBA is eager to help (subject to eligibility) For a confidential chat call O845 652 0303, or email, or visit Follow the MRBA on social media Facebook: Twitter: Linkedin: MRBA May 2017