Overview Describes the “ability of the news media to influence the salience of topics on the public agenda” The media can’t tell you what to think, but can tell you what to think about Developed by Dr. Maxwell McCombs and Dr. Donald Shaw – they found that the issues thought of as important correlated to the issues that the media most reports on The theory is well-founded and remains relevant
Key underlying principles We live in an age of Mass Communication; this theory is aimed at Forms of Media with wide reach (news, radio, television) The press and the media do not reflect reality; they filter and shape it. Media concentration on a few issues and subjects leads the public to perceive those issues as more important than other issues
Traditional Explanation REALITY AGENDA Selection, Omission and how stories are framed ACCESSIBILITY TO MEDIA PERCEPTION OF REALITY
What is trending on the web What people want to hear and will make them buy the media product What the Media Magnates want REALITY AGENDA Selection, Omission and how stories are framed
Case Study 1 – Murdoch Press News Limited had successive covers on the Daily Telegraph and other newspapers lampooning the Rudd government and calling for their electoral defeat Gillard addressing the sexist treatment against her was “playing the gender card” Studies have shown there is a considerable time lag between strong editorial positions appearing consistently in the media, and this filtering through into the public consciousness. It can be over a month before people start to spontaneously recall media messages as being important Though this is highly situational and tends to be based on the capacity of the audience to assess the issue independently of the media's messaging.
The shaping of public dispositions through the theory develops over longer time-frames In order for a “hate campaign” to work, the agenda must in some way be based on people’s already-existing dislike of a certain group. The media must develop an agenda based on the fears and hatred already existing We see people burn down the houses of paedophiles, but seldom rise up against the “dodgy builders” featured on Today Tonight.
Case Study 2 – Asylum Seekers News reports about Asylum Seekers Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun frame issues with headlines like ‘Costing Us a Packet’ and ‘Boat People in Our Suburbs’ The Media created the term ‘Boat People’ and by overtly-covering the issue, they frame it as an economic and social burden upon society. They could instead discuss it in regards to humanitarian and international obligations, but no. Based upon society’s current fears and xenophobia Tony Abbott won the 2013 Election; what was his main slogan?