Open Science Grid Interoperability
Federation and Interoperability “Federation”: the act of constituting a political unity out of a number of separate states or colonies or provinces so that each member retains the management of its internal affairs A few basic policies, rules, decisions, technologies that are agreed upon “Interoperable”: pertaining to systems that work together or communicate Might involve work to build adapters Vicky White,
Grid3 in the U.S. We built a demonstration functioning Grid in the U.S. Strongly encouraged by NSF and supported through iVDGL, GriPhyN, PPDG (DOE) as well as US-CMS, US-ATLAS, Ligo, SDSS and University of Buffalo, LBNL, some Biology applications, and more…. Based on a simple to install VDT package Allowing diversity at different sites It worked and it stays working and it is being used by ATLAS and CMS for their data challenges Vicky White,
Vicky White,
Grid3 Shared Use Over 6 months CMS DC04 ATLAS DC2 Usage: CPUs Sep 10 Vicky White,
Open Science Grid Consortium What is it? It is NOT a project (unlike EGEE, iVDGL, TeraGrid, etc) It is a collaboration – a Consortium of many institutions. Universities and Labs, projects, experiments, middleware providers, campus Grids Who want to leverage their efforts by joining together to build a sustainable infrastructure for physics and other sciences Vicky White,
Open Science Grid Consortium Enables US-CMS and US-ATLAS to work together in a highly coordinated way They can provide resources to ATLAS and CMS through the Open Science Grid as participants in the global “LHC Computing Grid” Seeing partners and interest in joining this Grid outside of Physics & outside of the US also Korea Brasil Taiwan ? Joining OSG isn’t exclusive. We believe resource providers can be a member of many Grid infrastructures Vicky White,
The Blueprint and Roadmap Agreement by architects on some fundamental goals Aligned with and informed by EGEE architecture and design Illustrative Principles: Common Interfaces not necessarily Implementations. Autonomy of Sites and Resources Overriding Policy Enforcement Points. Move to “pull” model for Work to be done. Organization based environment: services & management Common services with VO-specific instantiations. Mix of Assured and Opportunistic use. Varied expectations on resource availability, performance and support. Vicky White,
OSG Infrastructure - a Federated Grid of Grids Heterogeneous Infrastructure made coherent by a set of Interfaces, core Services and Policies. Campus, Facility, Experiment, (Commercial?), “Other” Grids present (existing) Resources and Services that can be shared across local and wide area Grids, as well as support direct non-grid based interfaces. Organizations & VOs present a transparent distributed execution and storage environment to the Users that spans across Grid and Facility boundaries. Vicky White, Vicky White,
OSG Organization Advisory Committee Technical Universities, Labs Groups Advisory Committee Universities, Labs Service Providers Executive Board (8-15 representatives Chair, Officers) Sites Researchers activity 1 Activities VOs Research Grid Projects Enterprise Core OSG Staff (few FTEs, manager) OSG Council (all members above a certain threshold, Chair, officers) Vicky White,
OSG Technical Groups Governance Charter, organization, by-laws, agreements, formal processes Policy VO & site policy, authorization, priorities, privilege & access rights Security Common security principles, security infrastructure Monitoring and Information Services Resource monitoring, information services, auditing, troubleshooting Storage Storage services at remote sites, interfaces, interoperability Support Centers Infrastructure and services for user support, helpdesk, trouble ticket Education / Outreach Training, interface with various E/O projects Networks Including interfacing with various networking projects Vicky White,
OSG Activities Blueprint Defining principles & best practices for OSG Deployment Deployment of resources & services Incidence response Response and handling of security incidents Integration Testing, validating, integrating new services and technologies Interoperability Interoperation with other grids, especially LCG and TeraGrid Data Resource Management (DRM) Deployment of specific Storage Resource Management technology Accounting Accounting and auditing use of the resources. Documentation Coordinate central documentation and information. Vicky White,
Interoperability & Federations Interoperability demonstrations between OSG and LCG-2 TeraGrid Grid Integration Group (GIG) plans to interoperate with OSG. Milestones included in their proposal. Many LCG & EGEE contacts with OSG activities.: Security, Operations, Storage, Interoperability, Accounting Vicky White,
Core Infrastructure Services and Middleware Core middleware packages based on VDT 1.3.6. Added EDG/EGEE VOMS, LBNL DRM, Privilege Services (GUMS,Prima). Integration and testing provided by multi-platform NMI support infrastructure. US CMS Tier-1 & Tier-2 Storage Elements accessible via SRM Grid interfaces Support for opportunistic use of this storage by non-US CMS VOs. VO role based authorization through Gatekeeper and GridFTP standard callouts to Prima. Site based dynamic and role based account management and policies applied using GUMS. Vicky White,
Integration Activity & Testbed The specific program of work is driven by the stakeholders and OSG technical groups and activities. Integrating middleware services from technology providers targeted for the OSG Providing testbed for evaluation and testing of new services and applications; test and exercise installation and distribution methods Providing feedback to service providers and VO application developers; Preparing release candidates for provisioning An iterative activity involving simultaneous activity at many sites and workshops where real work is done Vicky White,
OSG Integration Testbed Vicky White,
Towards OSG Deployment Maintaining Grid3 operations In parallel with extending Grid3 to OSG OSG Integration Testbed (ITB) has 20 sites and ITB infrastructure has had 5 releases. ATLAS, CMS, STAR, CDF, D0, BaBar, FMRI, readying their applications & infrastructure for the common grid: CDF run simulation on an OSG ITB site D0 running re-reconstruction on US CMS Tier-1 Grid3. STAR running on BNL and LBNL ITB sites SLAC, FermiGrid, PDSF Facilities Deployment now started to support applications from ~10 VOs and transition from Grid3. http://osg.ivdgl.or/twiki/bin/view/Integration/WebHome Vicky White,
Grid Bazaar: New partners contributing Dartmouth psychology & brain sciences research Co-chair of Policy Group GRASE VO with a basket of applications from the HPC consortium Co-chair of Monitoring Group New Storage Management solutions? NFS4 - University of Michigan IBP - Advanced storage management - Vanderbilt Co-chair of Networks & Storage Group Interest from DOSAR, SURA, etc. Certificate Handling, Accounting, Planning… from diverse small groups. Vicky White,
OSG deployment landscape VOs & apps TG Mon&Info TG Policy Arch MIS Policy OSG deployment TG Storage Support Centers Technical Group oversees Operations Activity (Ops) TG Security Storage Security Ops Integration Activity TG Support Centers site admins Chairs Vicky White,
OSG Deployment Activity OSG Operations-Provisioning Path to Operations OSG Integration Activity Readiness plan Effort Resources Readiness plan adopted VO Application Software Installation Software & packaging OSG Deployment Activity Service deployment OSG Operations-Provisioning Activity Application validation Release Candidate Middleware Interoperability Functionality & Scalability Tests feedback Metrics & Certification Release Description Vicky White,
Operations & Support Activities Operations runs grid-wide services including provisioning and installation of middleware and operational support for those services, resource providers and Users running on OSG. Support Centers Coordinate and Track: problems for service providers, Security incidents, Requests for assistance. They both monitor the status of resources & services Operations publishes accounting and status information and monitors policy compliance All the support centers hosting services and providing user support for OSG contribute. Vicky White,
Vicky White,
Operations Infrastructure Trouble Ticketing system and interface Monitoring tools development and maintenance Accounting services Discovery services Identity services Grid information index Grid Catalog VO-level services for monitoring services Knowledge base Mailing Lists Formal and collaborative web information repositories Vicky White,
Operations Organizations Participants: US CMS Tier 1 Support Center US Atlas Tier 1 Support Center ESnet DOEGrids CA services VDT at UW services FermiLab Support Center Indiana University Global NOC iVDGL Grid Operations Center Campus Grids that are part of OSG: Glow, Grase, FermiGrid. Vicky White,
Operations Organizations Interactions with partners LCG - participate in Operations Workshops together to work out problem exchange and resolution; policies etc. EGEE Operations will have interaction with OSG Operations. LCG will interface to ATLAS and CMS Tier1 centers in US. Each are somewhat equivalent to a ROC, but details and terminology are different than LCG because OSG Consortium is organized a bit differently than LCG. TeraGrid – Interoperation and common project discussions started at “AllHands meeting” and Operations Workshop. Vicky White,
Current issues Space Management of storage elements Diagnostic tools Auditing and Accounting - User, Facility, Organization Evolution to new technologies while supporting running applications is a challenge. Define, publish and understand all policies VO infrastructure - can we make the current design support light-weight VOS Scalability – continuous learning process Vicky White,
Interoperability and Federation Transparent use of Federated Grid infrastructures part of the roadmap of the LHC experiments (we believe) There are sites that appear as part of “LCG” as well as part of OSG/Grid3. CMS and ATLAS can run their jobs on both LCG and OSG. CMS and ATLAS simulation jobs are running on TeraGrid. Vicky White,
Federation and Interoperability Lots of progress has been made Basic interoperability between OSG and LCG has been demonstrated There is a common base for a Federation – OSG, LCG, TeraGrid and between many other “Grids” based on VDT (or Globus) Vicky White,
Grid vision: Federation and Interoperability The Grid vision is a work in progress and all those with energy and ideas need to step forward and work together We can and will make it work At least as well as the detectors work! Let’s keep working at it and working together and let’s keep choosing common services and defining common interfaces wherever we can – across all of the global Grid efforts Vicky White,