PUBLIC PROCUREMENT A tool for Development..
SEQUENCE Significance Principles of Public Procurement Public Procurement Framework in Pakistan PPRA Rules commonly violated Grievance redressal Challenges Opportunities Conclusion
Significance Public Policy Tool; Taxpayers Money; Volume and Diversity; Savings; Broader Impact;
Principles of Public Procurement Transparency; Equal Opportunities; Efficiency; Value for money;
Public Procurement in Pakistan General Financial Rules; Autonomous bodies followed their own rules; PPRA Ordinance, 2002; PPRA Rules, 2004; Regulations/instructions.
PPRA Rules commonly violated
Rule 10 : Specifications To be generic, without references to brand names, model numbers, catalogue numbers or similar classifications; If essential to complete an otherwise incomplete specification, such use or reference to be qualified with the words “or equivalent”.
Rule 12 : Advertisement Methods Rs 100,000 – Rs 2 Million: to be advertised on the Authority’s website; Over Rs. 2 Million: to be advertised on PPRA’s website and at least two national newspapers having wide circulation.
Rule 13 : Response Time 15 days for National Competitive bidding; 30 days for International Competitive bidding; Response time to be calculated from the date of the first publication in a newspaper or posting on the website; In case of both, the response time shall be calculated from the day of its first publication in the newspapers.
Rule 28 : Opening of Bids Same date for submission and opening of bids; Bids to be opened at least 30 minutes after the deadline; All bids shall be opened publically in the presence of the bidders or their reps;
Rule 33: Rejection of Bids The procuring agency may reject all bids or proposals at anytime prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal; The procuring agency shall upon request communicate to any supplier or contractor who submitted a bid or proposal, the grounds for its rejection of all bids or proposals, but is not required to justify those grounds; Notice of rejection of all bids or proposals shall be given promptly to all bidders;
Response to Violations The procuring agency promptly informed; Indicated on PPRAs website; Reported to Auditor General’s office and Head of the Procuring agency;
Redressal of Grievances On receipt of complaint of an aggrieved bidder prior to the entry into force of the procurement contract; PA to constitute a committee; Written complaints within 15 days of the announcement of bid evaluation report; Decision on the complaint within 15 days of its filling; Appeals can be filed in the relevant court of jurisdiction.
Achievements Rate of Violations dropped from 26.35% in 2009 to 6.65% till October 2016; 271876 tenders uploaded since July 2008; 80051 Violations identified in above tenders; Arranged 235 Training Programs; Trained 5485 participants from Public/Private sector.
Challenges Administrative and Financial Independence of PPRA; Low capacities; Grey Areas/ pre and post bidding stage; Frequent Violations
Opportunities Culture of transparency and fair play; Financial discipline; Savings; Wider social, economic and political impact; Growth in business opportunities; E-procurement; E-training
Conclusion An efficient and transparent Public Procurement policy is a linchpin for good governance and effective service delivery, where the citizens are the final beneficiaries. Public procurement should therefore, be seen as a tool to promote citizen welfare and growth. Openness and fair play will allow new entrants with innovations and ideas and increase private participation. While a corrupt and inefficient procurement system will achieve just the opposite.