Essay Writing
For the Future! In English in year 10, and in VCE,, you will need to write essays. These are usually text responses. We are going to go through the basics of TEEL in this PPT. Note that TEEL is also beneficial for persuasive writing.
Read the essay question carefully and make sure you understand it. Easy as 1, 2, 3 Read the essay question carefully and make sure you understand it. Pick out the KEY WORDS in the essay question. Think about whether you agree or disagree with the question – form a point of view, which you will write about in the essay. Make a plan. What events and examples in the text/or what arguments can you discuss? List them in dot points.
7. Begin writing your first draft. Steps 6,7,8,9 6. Some of these dot points will then become a paragraph. 7. Begin writing your first draft. 8. If time allows, edit your work – get a friend or teacher to check for mistakes and make improvements. 9. Write a final copy if drafting was permitted.
Steps in writinG an essay: 1. Plan 2. First Draft 3. Edit 4. Final Copy
Essay structure Introduction (background info, state your point of view) Body (The paragraphs – what is the acronym again? …TEEL) Conclusion – summarise your main points
Introduction Explain your understanding of the question Introduce your argument Provide your point of view Provide background information Don’t use detailed examples
Body One key point for each paragraph Use TEEL for each paragraph Point/Topic Evidence Explanation Link
TEEL Topic – Use a topic sentence at the start of a paragraph to make it clear to readers what the paragraph is about Evidence – Provide details of events/arguments using “quotes” or evidence from the text/issue which supports your point Explanation – In your own words explain why the quote/evidence/argument is important to the point you are trying to make Link – Make a link to the next paragraph so that it flows well and summarise the main idea of the paragraph
Conclusion Restate your point of view Restate in different words what your main ideas were Think carefully about your final sentence – end strongly Don’t introduce any new ideas Try to leave the reader with something to think about!
CRITERA Have you included all of the relevant points and evidence? Have you discussed the examples that you have used? Did you use the TEEL format? Have you left the reader with something to think about?
THE ASSESSMENT TASK Write a TEEL response at least 500 words long on this below: “Hatred is the root of all evil.”
What to incluDE? INTRODUCTION A thesis statement (ANSWER to the QUESTION) Introduce your texts (at least 3) Lead into body (mention main points) BODY At least three points/arguments Topic Sentence Expand on this in your own words Evidence (quote) Explain (THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT PART) Final – Link CONCLUSION Restate thesis Summarize main points Evaluate – which is most effective/accurate portrayal and why?