1. Flexibility 2. Speed 3. Diet 4. Cardiovascular endurance WHY?
1. Fluency 2. Efficiency 3. Coordinated 4. Movement WHY?
1. volunteering 2. coaching 3. Warm up 4. officiating WHY?
1. Lower heart rate 2. Remove lactic acid 3. Raise body temperature 4 1. Lower heart rate 2. Remove lactic acid 3. Raise body temperature 4. Reduces muscle soreness WHY?
1. Fats 2. Carbohydrates 3. Fibre 4. Protein WHY?
1. Yoga 2. Spin classes 3. Aerobics 4. Pilates WHY?
1. Cool down 2. Warm up 3. Health screening 4. Muscular endurance WHY?
1. competence 2. performance 3. Developing skills 4. creativity WHY?
1. To win the league in football 2. Improve your table tennis serve 3 1. To win the league in football 2. Improve your table tennis serve 3. To win your next rugby match 4. To win a trophy WHY?