The Final Frontier…Black Holes, Apps, and Other Anomalies Leslie Brown, Autism Specialist, HSE Office Of Exceptional Learners June 2017
“Launching Inquiry: the final frontier “Launching Inquiry: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship HSES Enterprise. It’s mission: to explore strange new learning; to seek out new ways of questioning and new explorations of probing for the good of all students; to boldly go where no learning has gone before." Final – or just beginning? Thinking about ALL learners We have iPads and technology in our hands – let’s use it for the greater good!
So many IDEAS, so little time! How do we stay out of the black holes? How do we stay on top of the anomalies? Today – WE PLAY! WE SHARE! WE EXPLORE!
Basics Guided Access Time Limits/Timers App Evaluation apps.html https://hsek12inus- n_us/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=1e1070 a340d6e4708a560dd7d4f3c85c7&authkey=ASn_ VpWr4R4Y8lkph_rWb2Y
Video Modeling Evidence based practice -based-practices Preschool – high school Applicable in MANY environments – just need access Used in the domains of communication, social, academic/cognition, play, and also helpful with behavior.
Video Modeling
Take the easy route – that’s okay! Customize and do them on your own! Video Modeling Take the easy route – that’s okay! Customize and do them on your own! YouTube – search terms of your story! Everyday Speech - YouTube QMoPKaeLDBz3zwgZscsxmfxEo1swV0N X Model Me Kids – app and website! ml Google search – so many things already out there! iMovie Using still pictures or video clips, etc. Movie Maker – Windows – does anyone still use this? Other ideas?
Let’s Make a Movie! Ready, Set, GO! Partner up – or do it on your own! What are you trying to accomplish? Short and sweet – to the point! Ready, Set, GO!
Social Scripts or Social Stories Customize or do them on your own! Take the easy route – GREAT! YouTube daySpeech Social Stories Creator by Touch Autism Videolicious ChatterPix/ChatterKid iMovie iPad, iPhone, iDevice
Social Scripts or Social Stories
Behavior Tracking/Five Point Scales Social Emotional Apps Tally Counter Behavior Snap – by Psyched Super Duper Data Tracker Grump Meter Breathing Bubbles Settle Your Glitter Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame Calm Counter Autism 5 point scale EP Emotion Touch by Brian Minter
Behavior Tracking/Five Point Scales Social Emotional Apps
Mindfulness/Yoga Apps and Websites Calm Settle Your Glitter Breathing Bubbles Sesame Street Breathing Yoga for Beginners YouTube – Cosmic Kids Yoga, and many Mindfulness ideas! Yoga Studio Calm Mind Yeti (going to be an app soon!) GoNoodle Move To Learn
Mindfulness/Apps and Websites
APP SHARE! What do you like? What do you use? WHY?
Remember…Explore, Play, and get Unfolding!
THANK YOU for coming! Questions? Good of the cause? Contact information: Leslie Brown, (317)594-4333 – FOCUS building