The Landscape of Project PrIDE Data Reporting Requirements Presented by: Kolbi Parrish, MA Research Scientist California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS Prevention Research and Evaluation Section November 16, 2016
Designing the Landscape What impact are we trying to achieve? Increase request of PrEP by target populations Increase use of PrEP by target populations Decrease new infections in target populations How do we get there? Capacity & infrastructure for PrEP implementation Knowledge & awareness of PrEP and services Service delivery Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Capacity & Infrastructure Indicators Note: Data-to-Care indicators only apply to SF, as CDPH and LA were not funded for this activity via Project PrIDE; these indicators are not covered in this presentation Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Indicators: Capacity-Infrastructure Development & Training # of staff hired/re-assigned # of trainings # staff trained # of facilities/ practices trained % of trainees for which PrEP readiness to engage in PrEP-related activities increased by type of trainee Geographic dispersion of PrEP-related trainings/informative events by PrIDE project areas Geographic dispersion of facilities/practices trained stratified by PrIDE project areas Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Indicators: Capacity-Infrastructure Development & Training (Cont.) # of new contracts executed # of new sites that are implementing PrIDE PrEP activities #/% of Community Advisory Board (CAB)/CPG members by self-disclosed demographic characteristics # of OA PrEP-related forms, procedures, protocols, and other informative documents by status #/type of local PrEP-related protocols in place Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Indicators: Knowledge & Awareness # of activities (e.g., media campaigns/ events) targeting providers # of exposures to PrEP media campaigns/ events targeting providers # of providers who received PrEP materials and tools, attended presentations, participated in public health detailing # of social marketing campaigns and other activities targeting MSM and transgender persons (e.g., posters, pamphlets, radio, TV, websites, etc.) Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Indicators: Knowledge & Awareness (Cont.) Estimated # of total people reached Estimated # of MSM reached Estimated # of transgender persons reached Geographic dispersion of social marketing campaigns and other activities (e.g., posters, pamphlets, radio, TV, websites, outreach and education events, etc.) by PrIDE project areas Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Indicators: Service Delivery # of persons screened for PrEP eligibility #/% of persons identified eligible #/% of persons accepted PrEP offer #/% of persons referred to PrEP providers #/% of persons linked to PrEP provider #/% of persons prescribed PrEP # filled PrEP prescription # initiated PrEP # adherent to PrEP medication regimen Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Indicators: Service Delivery (Cont.) # of persons screened for support services # of persons identified as needing support services # of persons referred to support services # of persons linked to support services # of persons who received support services Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure Additional Service Delivery indicators… Broken down by type of services (navigation included)
Capacity & Infrastructure Evaluation Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Evaluation Questions: Capacity-Infrastructure Development & Training Did the number of providers who are willing and able to prescribe PrEP increase? If so, to what extent? If not, what were the barriers? Are payment structures sufficient to support broad PrEP adoption? Did the number of public health agencies that have PrEP protocols (e.g., PrEP intake protocol, internal or external referral protocols, PrEP adherence protocols) in place increase? If so, to what extent? If not, what were the barriers? Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Evaluation Questions: Knowledge & Awareness Did demand for PrEP increase in MSM? Did demand for PrEP increase in transgender persons? Did knowledge, attitudes, and behavior relating to PrEP change among key service providers who could refer and/or navigate clients to PrEP? (e.g., communicable disease specialists, test counselors, navigators, other front line providers who may refer and/or navigate clients to PrEP) Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Evaluation Questions: Service Delivery What are the results of each stage of the PrEP continuum for PrEP-eligible clients (referred to PrEP, linked to PrEP, prescribed PrEP, filled PrEP, initiated PrEP, adherent to PrEP regimen)? What are the barriers to PrEP uptake? Are PrEP navigation and support services (e.g., adherence planning, housing transportation, etc.) reducing barriers for MSM and TG use of PrEP? Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Capacity & Infrastructure Data Collection Note: Overview only- CDPH will host a separate webinar in the near future to go over data collection and reporting in more detail Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
How will Data be Collected? Narrative Covers All Activities Semi-annual progress reports Excel worksheets (aggregate data) Staff Hiring and Reassignments Trainings Contracts PrEP Sites Forms-Procedures-Protocols Community Advisory Board Membership Breakdown Outreach and Social Marketing Activities Capacity & Infrastructure Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure Knowledge & Awareness
How will Data be Collected?(Cont.) Surveys Training evaluation Service provider survey California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (NHBS) Capacity & Infrastructure Knowledge & Awareness Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
How will Data be Collected?(Cont.) Service delivery data collection tools Client Information and Risk Referral and Navigation PrEP Screening, Referral, & Initiation section Follow-up Service Delivery Knowledge & Awareness Service Delivery Capacity & Infrastructure
Service Delivery Data Collection Tool: Client Information and Risk K&A Service Delivery C&I
Service Delivery Data Collection Tool: Referral and Navigation K&A Service Delivery C&I
Service Delivery Data Collection Tool: PrEP K&A Service Delivery C&I