SNRPDP 2016-2017 Self Evaluation Chelli Smith
Analysis Background & Framework To relate PD activities to student achievement, SNRPDP’s evaluation follows a four tier approach (Guskey, 2000) Participant Reactions Organizational Support and Change Participant Learning Participant Use of New Knowledge and Skills
Data Collection Efforts RPDP Trainers collected an appreciable amount of data throughout 2016-2017 that relate to the model: Detailed contacts logs Activity evaluations Pre and post test scores Qualitative artifacts and testimonials
Participant Counts 32,881 teachers and administrators were impacted by the Southern Nevada RPDP trainers 17,409 participants attended professional development offerings (classes, in service sessions, presentations, and workshops at a specific site), of which, about 52 are unique (unduplicated) participants (9,053). Regional trainers met with 1,273 teachers and administrators in planning sessions at the school, region, and district level to support planning to increase student achievement. 8,041 teachers and administrators had trainers model lessons in their classrooms, were observed by trainers to receive feedback on use of specific strategies, and/or experienced mentoring by SNRPDP trainers with about 2.4% (192)of these sessions providing NEPF-specific teacher assistance. Our trainers contacted and provided professional development for 3,570 administrators. Over 700 teachers were assisted by regional trainers through e-mail. This support ranged from answering planning and strategy questions to finding materials and strategies to support specific struggling students within the classroom. 7,491 contacts were made in rural counties (Douglas, Esmeralda, Lincoln, Mineral, Nye, and Washoe). These contacts included staff in service sessions, individual teacher assists, and planning both at the site and district level. 362 contacts were made during parental engagement sessions.
Training sessions by content area Literacy, English-Language Arts/ 198 TESL 6 Mathematics 238 Science 64 Technology & Multiple Content Areas 111 Administration 62 NEPF-specific Training Sessions 61 Total Number 740
Number of Participants Content Area Number of Participants Percent of Total Literacy-ELA 4668 27% TESL 149 1% Mathematics 5236 30% Science 2738 16% Technology/Online/ Distance/Multiple Content Areas 2631 15% Administrative 1007 6% NEPF Specific Training Sessions 980 5% TOTAL 17,409
Professional Development Duration Number of Sessions Weighted Impact Factor (no. of session × hours) Percent of Total Weighted Impact Factors Less than 1 hour 21 0.4% 1 to 3 hours 188 564 11% Half day (4 hours) 192 768 15% Full day (6-8 hours) 178 1,424 27% 2 days or greater, including 1, 2, and 3 credit classes (15 hours or greater) 161 2,415 46%
Participant Satisfaction RPDP Activity Evaluation Questions Average 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 #1: The activity matched my needs. 4.6 4.7 #2: The activity provided opportunities for interactions and reflections. 4.8 #3: The presenter/facilitator’s experience and expertise enhanced the quality of the activity. #4: The presenter/facilitator efficiently managed time and pacing of activities. #5: The presenter/facilitator modeled effective teaching strategies. #6: This activity added to my knowledge of standards and subject matter content. #7: This activity will improve my teaching skills. #8: I will use the knowledge and skills from this activity in my classroom or professional duties. #9: This activity will help me meet the needs of diverse student populations. Range: Score of 1 = Not at All Score of 3 = To Some Extent Score of 5 = To A Great Extent
Participant Learning Average Normalized Pre/Post Content Survey Results Level and Content Area Mean Pre Test Mean Post Normalized Gain N Elementary School Literacy-English Language Arts 57% 76% 44% 276 Middle School Literacy-English Language Arts 54% 92% 83% 10 High School Literacy-English Language Arts 55% 94% 87% 44 Middle School Mathematics 89% 80% 29 High School Mathematics 74% 96% 85% 56 Middle School Science 66% 50% 16 High School Science 63% 75% 32% 30 TESL 58% 81% 296 Note: All posttest scores are significantly different from pretest scores and have less than a 1% probability of being due to chance variations (p ≤ 0.002).
Summary SNRPDP professional development activities result in increased teacher learning when: content training is supported at the school, region, and district level. Teachers reflect on their practice while undergoing sustained professional development. Sustained professional development focuses on the content teachers teach.