Solar-Terrestrial data Analysis and Reference System STARS version 5 Center for Information Technology Ehime University Ken T. Murata
Introduction Solar-Terrestrial data sites in Japan HTTP/public SFTP/members only FTPS/restricted FTP/public Web Service /public SFTP /members only /restricted Widely distributed data sites over the Internet. Independently defined data access policies. but… No common way to search data over the data sites. No common way to download data file securely.
Introduction What is the STARS? The STARS is a system to search, download, plot and analyze observation data. The target data are observation data in solar-terrestrial physics. The STARS database is a weakly tied distributed database. STARS project STARS user application (on Windows) STARS meta-database STARS download agent STARS manager application (STARDUST)
Introduction Meta-database and Download Agent in STARS Data Providers Download Agent get meta-data download data file STARS application STARS-metaDB
Login Guest ID is available for everyone. Input your e-mail address as a guest password. To get STARS user ID, contact us. Mail address is Latest messages are shown in the “Message Box”.
Main Dialog New StarsProjectList
Main Dialog Stars ProjectListDialog
Main Dialog Time interval setting No data file (before launch) Data file exist
Main Dialog File download
Main Dialog Data access request
Main Dialog Main dialog settings
Plot dialog data plot (AE indices and GEOTAIL/PWI/SFA)
Multi-channel plot band selection
Multi-channel plot data analysis dialog
Orbit plot on Google Earth
3D plot Global MHD simulation with real parameters
Stars Project List Stars Project List Stars Project List is an XML format data. It includes user name, data names, data file names and event information. Save and exchange your data plot with it. Stars Project List STARS File search STARS Data plot
Stars Project List file open & save
Image data plot sequential view of aurora (related with AKR)
Multi-satellite orbits GSM/GSE coordinate
Event registration an example of plasmoid event
SPL link to Journal/Paper (AGU ID required)
If you are interested in STARS STARS application It works on PC (Windows) only. Free download at STARS web page (see below). Latest version is (12 Nov. 2006). To get your STARS ID, contact us. Any data provider is welcome to join STARS project. Let us set “RSS feed” in your site to provide meta-data. STARS office e-mail address Web page