The third period From Section B 1a –2c.


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Presentation transcript:

The third period From Section B 1a –2c

go fishing go bike riding

take walks rent videos

go sightseeing

Key points: Further practice: Where are you going for vacation? How long are you staying? Who are you going with? Expressions: go bike hiking, take walks, rent videos etc.

Difficult points: Who are you going with? Teaching aids: Tape recorder, PowerPoint and cards.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision Ask some pairs of the students to make conversations by using “be doing” as the simple future tense in 3a on page 15.

Step 2 Presentation 2. Read the new words in chorus. 1a: 1. Teach the following new words : bike, ride, sightseeing, fish, rent    2. Read the new words in chorus.  3. Section B 1a: Match the expressions with the pictures.

go sightseeing

Step 3 Make a survey and practice (1 b)

Teacher prepares cards like this: Jim activities names go bike riding go sight- seeing take walks rent videos go fishing Jim √

Student A: What are you doing for vacation? Practice like this: Student A: What are you doing for vacation? Jim: I’m taking walks.

2a、2b: Listen to the tape and check (√) the questions. Step 4 Listen and fill 2a、2b: Listen to the tape and check (√) the questions. Listen again and then write He Yu’s answers to the questions.

Explain: Who are you going with? Another example: What cities are you going to next week?

Step 5 Act and compete 2c. Practice in pairs. Student A is the reporter. Student B is He Yu. Student A interviews Student B. After practicing 2 minutes, each group chooses one pair to take part in the competition and see which group is the best.

Ask one of the students to sum up what they have learned. Step 6 Summary Ask one of the students to sum up what they have learned.

Homework: Choose a partner as you like to make a dialogue about what they are doing for vacation. 2. Write an article about what you are doing for weekend.

The fourth period From Section B 3a – 4

Teaching aims: Students are required to understand the magazine article, master the important points and be able to talk about what they are doing this weekend.

Expressions: Important points: ■do something different, take vacations, finish doing ■ Write an article about what the students are doing for the weekend.

Difficult points: 1. He is leaving the first week in June and staying until September. 2. I heard Canada is beautiful.

Tape recorder, PowerPoint and cards. Teaching aids: Tape recorder, PowerPoint and cards.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision : Some pairs of students are asked to come to the front to act out the dialogue they prepared at home.

Step 2 Presentation Teach the following new words: famous, take a vacation, Greece, Spain, Europe, something, lake, the Great Lakes, leave, countryside, nature, forget, a lot, finish

3a. 2. Read the magazine article, and write the number of each picture next to the correct activity. 3. Read the article and ask the teacher questions.

Things to be explained: ① I want to do something different.

②He’s staying until September. another example: He waited for me until 9 o’clock. But some words like go, come, leave, we must use not…until She didn’t go there until the rain stopped.

③ I heard Canada is beautiful. Explain: Canada is still beautiful now. Another example: He told me one plus one is two.

④ …there are many people there who speak French. In this sentence, who speak French is an attributive clause, we can translate it like 那儿有许多讲法语的人。

Step 3 Listen and practice 3a: Listen to the tape, and then answer the teacher’s questions.

① What does Ben Lambert do? ② What is he doing this summer? ③ What country did he decide to go this time?

④ Why is he going to Canada? ⑤ What places is he going to in Canada? ⑥ How long is he staying in Canada? ⑦ What are his plans?

Step 4 Read and fill 3b: Read the article and complete the article. You can fill in whatever they like.

Step 5 Survey Part 4: Students are divided into groups of four to talk about their weekend plans.

Step 6 Summary Ask one of the students to sum up what they have learned in this period.

Homework: Write a weekend plan.

The fifth period Self check

Teaching aims 1. Revise the simple future tense. 2. Students are able to make vacation or weekend plans easily.

Key points: Also mentioned above Teaching aids: PowerPoint and cards.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision 1.  1.   Ask two pairs of students to act out the dialogues about their weekend plans they prepared at home.

2. Complete the dialogue: B: I’m going to Beijing. B: I’m going sightseeing. B: For a week.

Step 2 Practice Part 1 Fill in the blanks with the words given. Change the form of the word if necessary.

Step 3 Writing Part 2 Students imagine themselves to be tourist guides. They plan schedules for the tourists who visit the their cities. Write the schedule for the weekend.

1.     Where are you going? 2.  What are you doing there? 3. What should tourists take with them? 4. Where are you leaving from? 5. When are you leaving? 6. What are you eating?

Homework: Your pen pal Zhang Yan is coming to Qingdao for vacation. You are her guide. Please write a schedule for her vacation.