40 Items to Pack for the Ultimate Nova Scotia Outdoor Play-cation
Clothing Waterproof lightweight jacket Warm Fleecy hoodie 1 pair Jeans Quick dry undies 3 quick dry tees Cotton sweater-can be a fashion piece, layered under a jacket or over a tee Swimsuit. The hotel they booked may have a pool-or the late September temperature may reach mid 20 Celsius Quick dry hiking pants (optional for hikers)
Sleepwear Flipflops. For the shower, beach, for slippers. From personal experience…. Don’t bring ones who haven’t worn yet and are not broken in. Blisters are not your friend. Especially on vacation. Don’t do it. Sturdy waterproof hiking shoes or sneakers if not long hikes are planned 3 pair socks A dressy outfit including footwear -we have many awesome restaurants, clubs and theatres Shoes to go with that outfit Pocket size rain poncho to pack in backpack pair of shorts and a tank top
Light gloves for fall, early spring Hat Plastic bag for dirty/wet clothes One or two laundry pods for rinsing stuff out Traveling in summer-especially late July or early August might warrant more shorts and tank tops and lose the fleece. This list should take you through almost everything for one week’s stay, if you don’t mind rinsing things out now and then. Traveling in winter and fall-add long sleeve tees and tops, a scarf, wool hat and warm gloves, along with boots Traveling in fall-beautiful weather usually that can be quite warm-up to 25 degrees Celsius with cooler nights. Spring is similar but wetter. And buggier.
Must Haves Insect Repellant. From April to October-you never know when these biting little buggers will pop up Therefore-also an anti itch product. Sunscreen. Yes, we do get it. Sunglasses Loonies for bridge tolls and laundromats Camera or smartphone and charger and travel adaptor if you are from away In case of blisters-band aids with gel or moleskin.
Teeny first aid kit. If nothing else, band aids, peroxide, antiseptic ointment, tummy trouble meds (diarrhea is no fun) anti nausea if you tend to get seasick, aspirin, your own prescription medication in the original container. (Airports insist) if you add tweezers or fingernail clippers, you will have to pack it in your checked luggage. Reading Glasses Study yet lightweight backpack (doubles as a carry on!)
Documents & Paperwork Phone numbers-for your hotel, the airline, people back home, even your travel companion lest you get separated. Personal Identification Number(PIN) if you don’t have them memorized. And, please do not store them with your credit card. A friend of mine almost had a disaster when her so-called Global Debit card would not work in Canada and she didn’t realize we need to use a PIN when we pay with credit. Itinerary (leave one with contact numbers for folks at home too.) Any documents you may need. Passport. Travel Insurance. License & Credit card (needed to rent motor homes and cars)
Nice to Haves Water bottle (with belt if desired) Have it empty going through security. If you don’t, the rogues will snatch it from you. You can fill it after you get through if you want water on the plane. Any electronics who feel you need, plus the chargers that go with them Collapsible hiking poles Small Binoculars Gorilla Grip Tripod Extra memory card. If would be awful if you missed that once-in are not -a lifetime shot because your card was full.
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