Unit 2: Early Modern Europe The Reformation E.Q.1: What were the Causes for the reformation
Vocabulary Terms (E.Q.1) Excommunication = act depriving a person from belonging to a church body or group Hierarchy = a ranking of clergy, each subordinate to the rank above it : * Pope * Cardinal * Archbishop * Bishop * Priest
Vocabulary Dogma = something held as established opinion (but not necessarily correct) Papacy= the office of the pope Celibacy= avoidance of all sexual relations Concubinage = people living together who are not legally married Pilgrimage = a journey to a sacred place Penance = show sorrow for committing a sin
Vocabulary Relic = an object that remains behind but is valued because of its connection with a saint or a martyr Simony = the practice of selling Church positions to the highest bidder Indulgence = a Church pardon that removes punishment for sinful acts Purgatory = state where souls that are not insured of salvation reside awaiting a final destination in heaven or hell.
What forms of corruption existed within the Church during the Late Middle Ages? Popes used excommunication to force monarchs to obey the Church Many priests were illiterate Many clergy broke their vows of celibacy Some officials lead lives of luxury and leisure Some clergy: 1) charged repentant Christians to see holy remains and objects (relics) 2) Sold church offices to the highest bidder (simony) 3) Sold indulgences
How was the power of the papacy weakened? 1. Babylonian Captivity (1305-1375) Philip IV (France) quarreled with pope over his power to tax the clergy Pope Boniface kidnapped in 1296 and replaced with French pope, Clement V Seven popes ruled the Church from Avignon, France Many Christians thought these popes were only puppets of the French King
How was the power of the papacy weakened? The Great Schism (1378-1417) Papacy moved back to Rome in 1376 Italian pope elected but unstable French cardinals elected a 2nd pope, Clement VII who moved back to France Both Urban VI (Italy) and Clement VII (France) claimed to be the rightful pope Many Christians questioned the authority of the papacy